

IVF (In vitro fertilisation) a technique used to fascilitate fertilisation of ova and sperm artificially in laboratory condition to treat infertility. It helps to those parent who are incapable to produce their young once by natural method of reproduction due to infertility problem of either for both parent or for one of the parent.

This infertility problem can be occurring either both parents are not able to produce gametes or one of them is not able to produce gamete or may be both are able to produce gametes but one of the gamete is not s strong these are the condition of gametes if  both parents produces healthy gametes fertilisation occurs but the fertilized egg may trap in to fallopian tube means it started growing in the tube due to blockage in tube or other reason instead of uterus and the third condition is when  the zygote is not transplanted to the uterus due to some hormonal misbalance.


In such cases one of the following methods are used as per requirements

In the 1st method of IVF both male and female gametes are collected from other couple and then allow them for fertilization in test tube after fertilisation 2n cell (Zygote) is transferred to the fallopian tube. When one of the parent is incapable to produce gamete so one gamete can be burrowed form other.

In 2nd case when fallopian tube is blocked proper medicines are provided to the female to unblock the fallopian tube or directly zygote is transferred to the mother womb (Uterus).

In the last and third case some hormonal treatment is given to mother so that a zygote can transplant. Now a days so many IVF center are in India.

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