
Tags Archives: health

7 years ago Health , Medical

Dengue Cure: Procedure, Cost And Side Effect | Dengue Treatment

Dengue is the vector-borne viral infection, regarded as a severe public health problem. It is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegyptiDengue is considered as the major public health concern due to increase in the frequency of dengue fever over past three decades. Every year about 390 million dengue infections are reported where 70% of 96 million cases are reported in Asia.

See: 7 Ways to Protect Eyes in Summers

Early Signs and symptom of Dengue:

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  1. Chronic fever with any of the following conditions:
  • Rashes on skin
  • Body pain
  • Nausea with persistent vomiting
  • Mucosal bleeding
  • Abdominal Pain

 2.  Sometimes the disease became severe when the condition is asymptomatic lead to the life-threatening situation of organ impairment. 


Laboratory findings For Dengue

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  • Low platelet count below 100, 000 cells/mm3
  • Positive tourniquet test
  • Low WBC count


dengue symptoms, dengue cure, health tips,

Treatment of Dengue

  • Paracetamol is preferred to reduce fever but should be used with caution.
  • For the treatment of diarrhoeal disease oral rehydration solution is recommended.
  • Salicylates like aspirin should not be used as they increase the risk of bleeding.
  • In prolonged uncontrolled shock there will be intravascular coagulation which causes bleeding and may lead to the development of lethal shock.In such cases, early and effective replacement of plasma losses with fluid and electrolyte solution results in a favorable outcome.
  • Platelet transfusion is required when the platelet counts are below 20,000.
  • If patients show signs of shock, he will be under constant and careful observation where pulse, blood pressure and respiration should be recorded every 30 minutes.
  • Complete bed rest is advised until the recovery of the patient.

Cost of  the Dengue treatment

Corporate hospitals generally charge between in the range of Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 15,000 for the platelet separation. Since the costs of platelet transfusion are not regulated and thus private hospitals are free to charge as per their price. The Dengue Ns1 test cost varies in different parts of India between the range of Rs. 600 to Rs. 1200. So the total costs of dengue treatment lie in the range of Rs. 25000 to Rs. 75000 depending on the severity. The recovery rate and safety profile of dengue treatment is high with very low side effects.

Side effects of the Dengue treatment

There are no such side effects of the dengue treatment as the safety profile of the treatment is high. But some risks like low immunisation, too much dehydration, pain due to the chronic fever will be there.If the patients treated early with all the precautionary steps increases the recovery.

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How to Reduce Body Heat? | 8 Super Effective Tips

The normal temperature of the body is usually between 36.5-37.5 degrees Celsius. When the body is not able to cool down and go back to its normal body temperature, we refer to this condition as body heat. There can be many reasons as to why the body heats up. Rising temperatures, exposure to scorching sun rays, spicy foods, alcohol and even medications at times can lead to body heat. Some of the symptoms of body heat include digestion problems, stomach ulcers, sleeplessness, boils and rashes on the skin and sun burn. It is important to note that most of the body heat is due to our diet.

[su_heading size=”14″]What Causes the Body Heat?[/su_heading]

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There are many reasons and causes as to why body heat can happen inside our bodies. Here are some causes that cause body heat to rise inside the body.

  •  When you wear clothes too tight and clingy which can trap water and trap heat too.
  •  Infection and fevers can cause body heat to rise
  •  Hard labor, strenuous workouts and plenty of physical labor can make the body heat soar.
  •  Muscular disabilities and seizures can be the reason for the body heat to increase
  •  Certain medications and stimulants make the body heat rise
  •  Neurological disorders


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Symptoms of Body Heat:

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9 Ways to check your body temperature is high or not:

1. Sleeplessness.
2. Ulcers or uneasiness in the stomach.
3. Heartbeat being too rapid.
4. Cramps due to heat increase.
5. Burning sensation in the feet and hands.
6. Eyes feel as though they are boiling.
7. Boils and rashes on the skin.
8. Overtly perspiring and Confusion.
9. Heartburn and acidity or Gas.


8 Effective tips to control Body Temperature in Summers

temperature control, body heat, tips, health

Body heat can be dealt with by these basic remedies:

When it goes out of control, here is a list of remedies to control the heat within the human body. Making few changes in diet we can easily get the body back to normal. These are as follows:

  1. Cool Water:

One of the easiest ways to control body heat is to have cool water.

Drinking cold water at regular intervals helps prevent dehydration.

A cool bath or soaking feet in cold water also helps reduce body heat.

  1. Peppermint:

Peppermint is known for its cool and soothing effect. It is very helpful to reduce body heat. It can be added to any drink.

Steep one teaspoon of fresh or dried peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water. Strain and sweeten with a little raw honey. Cool it in the refrigerator and enjoy your cool peppermint tea a few times a day.

In addition to reducing body heat, it will also relieve nausea and headache.

  1. Milk and Honey:

An ideal drink to control body heat is the combination of cold milk and honey. Add one tablespoon of honey to a glass of milk and drink it every day for effective results.

  1. Coconut water:

Another efficient remedy is coconut water. Coconut water has electrolyte composition which is great for the body rehydration. It is loaded with nutrients and minerals which helps energize.

  1. Buttermilk:

One of the oldest remedies for body heat is buttermilk. It is good for those who have high metabolism and women suffering from hot flashes. When you sweat you tend to lose a lot of vitamins and minerals and buttermilk helps restore them.

Drink a glass of buttermilk with your breakfast.

  1. Cucumber:

Cucumbers are one of the healthiest foods to consume during has more water content than other vegetables. It helps remove toxins from the body. It hydrates as well as cools down the body. It also treats acne and rashes on the skin.

  1. Lemon:

High vitamin C content in lemon helps cool down the body temperature. It also treats heat-related illnesses and oxygenates the body. Drinking lemon water regularly can be very helpful.

  1. Sandalwood:

Soothing properties of sandalwood help in reducing the body heat.

Mix sandalwood powder (2 tablespoons) with cold milk or water to create a fine paste. Then add few drops of rose water and rub this paste on chest and forehead. Let it dry and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

One can also sprinkle the powder of the chest and back after taking a shower.

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7 years ago Health , Teeth Care

Diet for Good Teeth | A Guide to have Healthy Teeth & Gums

Oral Health and Hygiene is essential for the overall well being of a person. Most people don’t realize the importance of oral health. Teeth are necessary for eating and chewing, without them life gets difficult. Imagine, not being able to eat our favorite food, crunchy fruits, vegetables and all the amazing things out there. It is indeed scary!!

We need healthy teeth and gums to eat nutritious foods. And we need to eat nutritious foods for healthy teeth. When we are young it is our diet which influences the development of our teeth and when we are old, what we eat helps in maintaining our teeth.

Now if we don’t take care of our teeth and gums, there are high chances of tooth decay, gum disease, and even bone loss.

diet for teeth, healthy teeth, smooth teeth guide, teeth guide, teeth tips

There is a very famous quote “If our eyes are a window to the soul, our teeth and gums are a window into our bodies.” The condition of our teeth and gums seldom show signs of various systemic diseases.

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Therefore, I’m going to list out various Nutrients which are required for healthy teeth and gums.

  • CALCIUM – helps in the formation of strong bones and teeth
  • IRON Consumption of inadequate iron causes inflammation of the tongue.
  • VITAMIN A improves immune function. But should not be consumed in excess quantity as it can lead to Vit.A toxicity.
  • VITAMIN C Essential for collagen formation as well as to maintain periodontal ligament.
  • VITAMIN Dessential for remineralization of enamel
  • PHOSPHORUS – to maintain the integrity of tooth structure
  • PROTEINthe most vital nutrient, used to maintain connective tissue and mucosal membrane


healthy teeth, diet for teeth, good teeth, tips,

Perfect Guide to have Healthy Teeth

Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health.

One should consume foods rich in proteins, fibers, and fresh vegetables. One should Avoid processed foods, especially those that are high in sugars.

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Now, I’m going to list down various things which should be included in our diet for healthy gums and teeth.

  • Milk: Essential for the strengthening of bones and teeth.
  • Apple: Apple is a natural cleanser. Also, it enhances the stimulation of gums and teeth.
  • Onions: A compound called SULPHUR is present in onions which prevents tooth decay as it is antibacterial killing all the bacteria responsible for decaying of teeth.
  • Green leafy vegetables: They are a great source of vitamins and minerals as well as Fiber.
  • Cheese: It does sound shocking but cheese is actually pretty amazing for your teeth. It helps in maintaining low acidic levels of the oral cavity.
  • Oranges: Vitamin C is a major nutrient present in oranges which strengthens the gums. Deficiency of this nutrient causes a condition called Scurvy which causes excessive bleeding of gums.
  • Pear: These are rich in fibers and helps in maintaining the acid levels in the oral cavity.
  • Tea: It consists of a compound called Polyphenol which prevents plaque accumulation. They are anti-inflammatory in nature. It also prevents a condition called HALITOSIS which in layman’s term is called BAD BREATH.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon and mackerel are two of the best food sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D are crucial for oral health because it allows your body to absorb Calcium.


So along with Brushing and flossing, these are the food items that one must include in his/her diet so as to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Doing so will keep tooth decay and other health problems at bay.


How to stay Hydrated in Summer | Guide to stay Hydrated!

As summer hits, you need to keep in mind few important tips to stay hydrated through the hot temperatures.

  1. Drink enough water to prevent dehydration:

Drink at least 8 ounces glasses of water per day. In the morning, immediately after waking up, have one glass of water. Drinking enough water will also keep your skin dehydrated and will reduce the amount of skin dehydration.

 If you’re too bored of consuming regular water, then go for coconut water. Coconut water consists of potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, and is a mineral-rich liquid which helps in replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes.

2. Avoid caffeine, energy drinks and alcohol:

A very common idea is that an ice cold coke or an iced coffee would help one to deal with the heat, but in reality, these drinks dehydrate you even more. Similarly avoid alcohol as much as possible. If you are going to drink alcohol then make sure you drink enough water after each alcohol beverages, as this will help in balancing and will reduce the amount of dehydration.

3. Consume water-filled fruits and veggies:

Fruits like watermelon, melon, strawberries, berries, oranges, and cantaloupes will keep you hydrated.

NOTE: You can also add chia seeds to your diet.

4. Exfoliate your skin:

Exfoliation helps in removing dull and dead skin debris to prevent congestion and thus improves your skin and hydrates it. Also, exfoliate your skin at night to remove unnecessary makeup and oil from your skin.

5. Apply Sunscreens:

Sunscreens are a must before the direct exposure of your skin to the sun. Layer your skin with summer skin care products such as moisturizers with SPF or sunblocks or sunscreens. You can also doctor prescribed ointments or moisturizers. Sunscreens protect your skin from harmful Ultra violet rays.

6. Wear lite Clothing

Make sure to wear breathable clothes and should always carry goggles and hats along with you so as to protect your skin and face from getting damaged.

7. Do not wait till you are thirsty:

It happens often, by the time you feel thirsty you’re already dehydrated. So as to avoid dehydration, drink enough water at regular intervals.

8. Treat Sun Damage:

UV light makes the skin dull thus causing photoaging in the form of coarse skin, brown spots, pigmentation, and wrinkles. When sunlight comes in direct contact with the skin it causes damage to it like inflammation and irritation. Soothe your skin, apply cooling balms. Apply and re-apply sunscreen every two hours when in doubt. Use skin age-fighting products to undo any damage to your skin.

stay hydrated in summer, hydrated, avoid dehydration

I hope this brief article helps you to stay hydrated in summer.


Teenage Bodybuilding: A Guide For Your Muscle Quest

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about better than you used to be”.

This quote should be taken as a key principle for all the teenagers who are enthusiast towards the bodybuilding and gymming trends. In this article, we will talk about what should be adapted and what should not be to achieve perfect fitness goals.

Teenage is an exponential growth phase of an individual. At this phase, body asks for the high nutrition to achieve the correct growth. There are lots of myths associated with the teenage bodybuilding and one of the biggest is that doing weightlifting and regular gyming can stunt their growth. But the truth is that if it is done under proper supervision than it can definitely improve your game.

bodybuilding, teenage, teenage bodybuilding

Teenage Bodybuilding: What should be adopted?

1. Nutrition for teens: To achieve your dream fitness goal one should give ample amount of nutrition to it. You need to have balanced diet to keep your body energized and grow properly. A balanced diet includes raw materials high in nutritive values of carbs, proteins, fats, and fibers.To attain proper body mass and weight one should have a good diet.

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● In carbohydrates, you can have a bowl of oatmeal, sweet potatoes, rice, and corns.Approximately of 40-50 gms of carbohydrates should be included in each serving.
● In fibers one can include ½ cup of raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pepper etc with each serving weighs approximately 6gm.
● In proteins chicken breast, egg whites, turkey, fish and size of each serving will be approximately 30-50 gms.
● The good fat list includes extra virgin olive oil or organic flaxseed oil.


2. Be Hydrated: Throughout the day drink about 0.66x your bodyweight in ounces of water. To excrete all the toxic waste of out of your body one should drink ample amount of water.Dehydration of muscles can lead to painful cramps.

3. Avoid taking shortcuts: The mantra of bodybuilding is S=Dx (T+N+R) where S stands for the success which can only be achieved when D- determination is multiplied and added with T- training, N-proper nutrition, R- rest and recovery. None of the steps should be missed out to achieve your fit body goals. Don’t skip your meals with supplements and never go for steroids as they can cause serious damage to your health.

4. Recommended movements:

To get the best results some of the recommended movements are as following:

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Chest: bench press, incline bench press, chest dips
Back: deadlifts, barbell rows, dumbbell rows, pull-ups.
Shoulder: Military press, seated barbell press, seated dumbbell press.
Triceps – Close grip bench Press, dips, bench dips.


5. Get a proper checkup:

Consult the doctor before engaging in any of the bodybuilding programmes and get yourself checked for any of the abnormalities or risk of cardiac or bone diseases.

Things You should be avoided while Bodybuilding?

1. Avoid the Injuries: you should not focus so much on lifting the heaviest weights to maintain good form. Good form can only be achieved if you train under expert supervision to avoid the risk of injuries and this will definitely help in better development.

2. Avoid fancy Supplements: Most people think that supplements are the most important part of gaining muscle but are not totally true. Supplements are just additions to an already good nutrition and training program. Supplements do not make up for improper training and in teenage one should avoid taking testosterone enhancing supplements. When an individual is at his teen the level of testosterone is already very high and there is no need of supplements whereas instead of fancy supplements one can take the protein bar or ready to drink shakes. About 1.6 grams of protein each day for each kilogram that you weigh is optimal for an individual and one should not overdo protein in their diet with unnecessary supplements.

3. Take Proper Sleep: Our body needs about 7-8 hours of sleep and if you want to achieve healthy and fit body one should take proper sleep. Teenagers generally like to stay awake for late night but this habit affects their concentration and stamina and they will get distracted from their fitness dream goals.

7 years ago Health

Control Dandruff with 11 Home Remedies | Get Rid of Dandruff!

dandruff, control dandruff, dandruff solutionDandruff is caused due to many factors like improper food intake, hormonal imbalance, air pollution and excessive use of shampoos. The dry skin on scalp comes out in flakes and causes itching to the whole scalp. Many of you are already trying various ways to get rid of Dandruff, but wait! you might create more hair problems in order to control your Dandruff.

Some home remedies are the best way curb dandruff permanently as they reduce hair loss by dandruff.

11 Easy Home Remedies to Control & Cure Dandruff

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1. Yogurt: Yeast in our bodies cause irritation. The best way to control the yeast in our body is by growing the development of friendly bacteria. Yogurt is one of the best probiotics which increase friendly bacteria.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar help in restriction the proliferation of yeast. It helps preserve the PH stability of the scalp as well.

3. Eggs: Eggs are an immense source of biotin, biotin can treat dandruff efficiently, this should be the ultimate control dandruff solution. Eggs also help make your hair healthier, smoother and stronger.

4. Lemon juice with Coconut Oil: pH imbalance in the scalp is the main cause of dandruff. Lemon juice restores the PH balance of the scalp and stops the growth of yeast. Coconut oil is antifungal and antibacterial, particularly the cold-pressed diversity. It helps in the reinforcement of the roots of the hair. Thus making a potent mixture. [/su_note]

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dandruff solution, dandruff, hair fall

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5. Garlic: Garlic has anti-fungal properties, helps in killing the bacterias and maintain the scalp health.

6. Aloe Vera: Aloe vera contains both anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. It also contains an enzyme called proteolytic enzyme, which has the property of denaturing the protein like dead skin cells. As the dead skin cells are removed with the help of aloe, dandruff is eradicated efficiently.

7. Fenugreek Seeds: There are many uses of fenugreek seeds and herbs like they specifically have antifungal properties that help control dandruff to a much great extent. It not only weeds away dandruff but also stop hair fall and lends body and bound to your hair. It’s a best and effective remedy for hair health.

8. Neem leaves: known in Ayurveda culture for its medicinal properties, neem leaves have potent anti-fungal properties, they completely eliminate the fungal growth. It stops itching and can stop dandruff very efficiently. It is effortlessly available and is an economical way to treat dandruff.

9. Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil has been used for a long time for its medicinal properties. It has fungicidal qualities which combat dandruff efficiently.

10. Olive oil: Olive oil contains antioxidants that help keep the scalp in the nourishing condition. Olive oil has a number of essential nutrients like vitamins A and E, which repair the damage done by hair care products and the environment. it also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that fight against other hair problem, dandruff.

11. Ginger: Ginger is a spice used for many chronic and temporary diseases. It is a natural antiseptic that eradicates the fungi causing dandruff. Ginger inhibits the growth of yeast and hence curbs the symptoms causing dandruff; namely itchy flakes, and it also reduces inflammation of the scalp, hence preventing dandruff.


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Apart from home remedies and use of shampoos, curbing dandruff includes having a properly balanced food intake and plenty of water and oiling of hair to keep the skull hydrated. You can comment your thoughts on these 11 Dandruff Controlling Home remedies as soon as possible.

7 years ago Health , healthy , Medical

What is Lyme Disease? Everything you need to know about it!

A tick-borne illness caused by the bacterium Boreland Burgdorferi. The most common sign of infection is an expanding area of redness on the skin, that begins at the site of a tick bite. The rash is typically neither itchy nor painful. This rash often is in a bull’s eye pattern and flu-like symptoms.

What is Lyme Disease?

lyme, lyme disease, lyme cure, lyme infection, People suffering from this disease may experience joint pain and weakness in the limbs. They may also experience stiffness or swelling in the joints, headache, fatigue, fever or malaise. In some cases, symptoms may also include facial paralysis and arthritis. This disease produces symptoms depending on the stage of infection.

Patients treated with appropriate antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely.  Antibiotics commonly used for treating this disease are DOXYCYCLINE, AMOXICILLIN, CEFUROXIME AXETIL.

In some cases, these symptoms can last more than 6 months. Chronic Lyme Disease is sometimes called as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS).  The ticks which cause this disease are mainly present on deers. This disease affects people of all ages, mainly in the people who spend their most of the time in the outdoor activities as they have higher exposure to ticks.

Can you get cured of Lyme disease?

Well, Lyme Disease is totally curable in the early stage with the use of antibiotics. If you don’t go for a cure, it may increase complications by created problems with joints, nervous system and heart. Which are further treatable with some medical help. We recommend you to get cured at early stage asap.

How will you know if you have Lyme Disease?

To know whether you are infected with any Lyme disease you have to wait a bit like rases will keep appearing in between 3 to 30 days after an infected tick bite. The infected area will get red, and some kind of itching and pain is also seen in many cases.

We suggest you get medical help for Lyme diseases asap.

7 years ago LifeStyle

Insomnia :How can i fall asleep faster?

What is insomnia?

If a person is having difficulty in sleeping, he/she may be having insomnia. People with insomnia are generally dissatisfied with their sleep

Symptoms of Insomnia -:

Several symptoms indicate insomnia like

  • they experience fatigue and are always low on energy
  • they have difficulty in concentrating in their tasks like while reading, learning and poor performance in academics and sports may also be due to insomnia
  • getting angry or irritated even at very small things may also be a symptom of insomnia
  • people may also experience headache and falling into depression
  • waking up too early even after sleeping late at night or waking up at midnights

Types of insomnia -:

  • Acute insomnia-: acute insomnia is when you are having sleeping issues for  very short amount time maybe due to stressful conditions like- sleeplessness before day of exam or result of something
  • Chronic insomnia-: chronic insomnia is when you are not able to sleep for at least 4-5 days/week and it s occurring for a quite long time

Causes Of Insomnia -:

  • Stress -: stress could be main reason leading to insomnia. Stressful life events like-  death of the loved ones, divorce, job loss may lead to insomnia
  • Sleeping/bed  habits-: irregular bedtime schedule, studying, eating, gaming, eating, watching tv  on bed can lead to insomnia
  • Drugs(medications)-: there are certain medicines which interfere with the sleep cycle of the body like- amphetamine commonly used by students for late night studies to prevent sleep. Antidepressants, weight loss products can also cause sleeplessness
  • Physically and socially active-: due to less physical and social activity body does not get tired  enough to rest

Treatment for insomnia-:

There are many ways insomnia can be treated but most of the part depends on the will power of the person

  • Medications-: There are 3 types of medication that can be provided to treat insomnia
  • Sedatives-: These types of medicines reduce the activity of brain thus inducing sleep. They affect neurotransmitters GABA ( component of through which brain cells interact)  of brain
  • Antihistamines-: These are the drugs which are generally used to counter allergic reaction inside the body as insomnia can be caused due to allergic reactions
  • Therapies -: A few therapies can also be used to treat insomnia like –
  • Light therapy-: it generally consists of exposure to natural light of certain wavelength using laser etc…
  • Cognitive therapy-: this program include excercises which replace thoughts that worse sleep experience without using drugs

Precautions to we can take to avoid Insomnia -:

We all know precaution is better than cure, thus there are preventive measures that can be used to prevent insomnia

  • being physically active is a very good preventive measure it keeps away not only insomnia but many diseases
  • stop taking daytime naps as they interfere with night sleep
  • intake of beverages before sleeping time should be avoided especially -: caffeine, alcohol etc…
  • take a warm bath, reading before sleeping
  • being consistent in bedtime and wake up time can be very helpful

Just remember a healthy lifestyle can treat/prevent not only insomnia but most of the diseases

8 years ago Health

5 Best exercises to get rid of double chin

Even if we don’t admit it but we all in our heart of hearts hates that bulging double chin staring at us from under the chin, teasing us, and saying “I’ll never leave you”! We all crave for the perfect face cut and a well defined jaw-line which is ruined by the nasty double chin. Now, it can be genetic or due to some medical condition as well, so get that cleared up first and if it’s the stubborn fat sitting around shamelessly, well, we need to get rid of it ASAP!

Here are 5 best exercises to get rid of the double chin fast!

Number 1 – Get the tongue out

  • Look straight and stick your tongue out as far as you can.
  • Lift your tongue upwards towards the nose.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds and release.


Number 2 – Jaw jut to the rescue

  • Firstly, tilt your head back and look up.
  • Push your lower jaw forward so as to feel a stretch under the chin.
  • Hold the jaw jut for 10 seconds.
  • Relax your jaw and return your head to a neutral position.


Number 3 – The ceiling kiss

  • Tilt your head back and look up at the ceiling.
  • Start as if kissing the ceiling to stretch the area beneath your chin.
  • Stop it and bring your head back to its normal position.


Number 4 – Get the neck rollin’

  • While standing, drop your chin forward to your chest.
  • Slowly rotate your head to the right and hold it for 5 seconds.
  • Slowly rotate your head back down so that your chin is to your chest.
  • Continue to rotate your head to the left and hold it for 5 seconds
  • Repeat this for a minute.


Number 5 – Stretch it out

  • Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling.
  • Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
  • Hold for 5 to 10 seconds and release.

9 years ago Health , LifeStyle

Quality of life

When we talk about something that will improve our quality of life, it implies that something which will increase the sense of satisfaction of well being. This is a condition resulting from the combination of the effects of a complete range of factors such as those determining health, happiness, education, social and intellectual attainment, freedom of action, justice and freedom of expression. This is a composite measure of physical, mental and social well being as perceived by the individual or a group of individuals.

There are three indices for quality of life –

  • Happiness,
  • Psychological well being,
  • Life satisfaction.

quality of life

Happiness is a mental state or condition that occurs when one’s subjective desires and aspirations are relatively met. Psychologists consider it as the ratio of material consumption and desire. Happiness, not only refers to a material well being. But is also concerned with personal judgments in an economic matter, family considerations, and health. Life is considered as happy when it is more meaningful and purposeful.

 Psychological well being is one’s own perception of their everyday life activities. Such feeling may range from negative mental state to positive outlook.


self satisfection Quality of lifeLife satisfaction is the degree to which one reports satisfaction with the salient features of one’s life and space. It refers to the judgmental processes in which the individual assesses the quality of life on his unique set criteria. This is individual’s subjective evaluation of the degree to which his or her most important goal, wishes, and needs have been fulfilled.

The over three ideas are between related. Life satisfaction generates a feeling of well being which in turn produces happiness.

There are a number of factors which influence the quality of life.

Demographic factors like age, sex, and socioeconomic status are known to affect the quality of life.

Personal variables like education, health, home environment, occupation, recreation also influence the same.

Social variables like interpersonal relations, neighborhood and strength of civic agencies too decide the quality of life.


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