Food to avoid during pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most exciting and also one of the most delicate time in women’s life. Women during this time should be very careful about their health as it’s not only about them now but also a new life growing inside her so now she has 2 responsibilities one is herself and other is the baby growing inside her. Pregnancy effects immune system, the food you eat has direct effect on the baby growing inside you.
To avoid health problems, here are food items women should avoid during pregnancy;
When you are pregnant, avoid soft, mould ripened cheese like brie, camembert and chevre, these are the type of goat cheese. These cheeses are more moist and less acidic than other cheese, high moisture and low acid are the perfect environment for the growth of listeria bacteria because of this there are chances that the soft cheese can have bacteria growing in it.
Listeria bacteria can cause infection Listeriosis and infection is the thing that pregnant women should always stay away from.
Raw or semi ripe papaya has sufficient traces of latex; a milky solution that is known to trigger strong uterine contraction which stimulate abortion. So, it’s very dangerous to eat raw papaya when you are pregnant.
Latex is not found in ripe papaya so it’s totally safe to eat ripe papaya.
Avoid liver or liver products when you are pregnant. Liver has high amount of vitamin A, too much of vitamin A is harmful for the growing baby and it can cause birth defect.
Avoid drinking unpasteurised milk. There are chances that it may have harmful bacteria like listeria, salmonella, E.coli that can cause bacterial infection which is not at all good for mother and the growing baby.
When milk is pasteurised, the harmful bacteria present in it gets killed by the heat without affecting the nutrition value of the milk so always prefer pasteurised milk.
Do not drink caffeine in excess; limit it to 2 – 3 cups of coffee in a day. Intake of too much caffeine can cause problems like restricted baby’s growth, underweight baby and miscarriage.
Too much caffeine can also lead to problems like anaemia as caffeine slows down iron absorption in the body.
Do not eat raw or under cooked egg as there are chances it may contain harmful salmonella bacteria which can cause food poison.
Egg is a healthy food if cooked in a proper way, so make sure eggs are properly cooked so that in case if there is any bacteria present it gets killed while cooking. Cook egg till the egg white and egg yolk get solidify.
Do not eat raw or under cooked meat such as chicken, mutton or pork as there is chances it may contain harmful salmonella bacteria which can cause food poison.
So make sure that meats are properly cooked at high temperature for proper time. When the meat is cooked at high temperature, the bacteria present gets killed by heat.
Raw and under cooked meat can also lead to digestion problem.
Stay away from alcohol; do not drink alcohol when you are pregnant. Everything you eat has direct effect on baby; alcohol can affect baby’s health directly by interfering in the baby’s growth in mother’s womb. Baby can get problems like “Fetal alcohol syndrome” and other development disorder.
Consuming alcohol also increases the risk of miscarriage.
Along with avoiding foods, follow good habits while eating like washing your hand more frequently as you never know your hand can be the first source of infection and avoid fruits and vegetable that has deep cuts as many time such cuts are mostly the homes of bacteria.
Diet for kidney patients
Patients with chronic kidney disease, a properly balanced nutrition play a vital role in maintaining the body health and preventing further kidney degeneration. In kidney disease, the body does not get rid of the waste and unwanted nutrients like toxic fluids, extra nutrients. These further buildup in the body and affect the kidney even more. Hence a change in the diet is a solution to keep the health of the kidney.
Depending on the intensity of the kidney disease, the principal component nutrients include protein, potassium, phosphorous, sodium and fluids.
1. Protein: principal function of the protein is to build and maintain bones, muscle, skin and hair. With the kidney disease, lower protein diet, he body condition worsened. Meats, seafood, eggs, legumes are good sources of protein. Seafood like shellfish, fish, and meat like beef, lean, lamb, pork, loin pork, turkey are the essential sources of protein.
2. Potassium: functions primarily for working of muscles and nerves. Any changes in the potassium level, affect the tonicity of muscles, hence their functioning. Hence a low potassium diet has to be maintained.
Apple, apricot nectar, cherries, cranberry juice, grapes, grapefruit juice, pear, lemon, lime, pineapple, plum, cabbage, corn, cucumber, onions, spinach, carrots, asparagus, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, peppers are the fruits and vegetables giving less than 200 mg of potassium per serving.
For limiting potassium, these foods are to be eaten in a limit or avoided: banana, dried fruits, melon, mango, avocado, potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, dried peas and beans.
3. Phosphorous: kidneys mainly control the balance of phosphorous in the body. When phosphorus is built up in the body, it removes calcium from the bones, leading to weakening of bones which break easily and cause severe pain. And too much phosphorous in the body, in the blood causes heart disease.
For a low phosphorous diet, milk substitutes like almond milk, rice milk, other supplements like angel food or cake, animal crackers, bun, cereals, cooked cereals except for oats, cookies of apple, berry, butter, popcorn, pita pocket.
To limit the phosphorous intake, boxed foods, cocoa, salad dressings, cheese(processed), light cream, soymilk.
4. Sodium: the primary and the most vital nutrient to be taken care of. The limit for sodium should be maintained, to prevent excess fluid from building in the body. When too much fluid is retained in the body, the blood pressure shoots up, suffer from breathlessness, and damage to the kidney and heart are observed.
Low sodium containing foods are bread, buns, rolls, desserts and pastries made from starch without much-added salts, fruits, meats without added sodium, homemade soups, vegetables without added salt.
The high sodium containing foods which should be prevented are boxed foods, cheese and cheese spreads, fast food, frozen dinners, soya and other Asian sauces, canned soups and vegetables.
5. Calcium: Calcium is another mineral component, calcium can affect kidney functioning, hence is limited by eating low-phosphorous containing foods. Phosphorus binders and high calcium content foods are to be avoided, as they deposit on the nephrons.
Perfect diet for loosing weight
Losing weight has become a mandatory measure of survival in today’s lifestyle. It is vital to maintaining proper weight to avoid further chronic disease development in the later stages of life. Hence for more proper weight loss, we need to maintain a proper diet. Losing weight is completely using the saturated body fat for metabolism purposes. Hence a diet for the same should be followed.
The quick tips for a properly balanced weight loss regimen are:
- Have regular meals
- Eat in proper time periods
- Get homemade food
- Keep healthy and fresh food on the go
- Include all types of food types.
- Choose smaller size plates for eating less
- Avoid direct sugar and salt
- Eat more fibers like fruits, veggies, and nuts
- Keep a flexible diet plan.
The important foods which should be added to the weight loss regimen are:
- Almonds: they are the best source of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, helping in lowering body cholesterol. The constant the minimal calories thane any nuts and plenty of fiber and vitamin E. individuals who supplementary a daily portion of almonds to a low-calorie diet lost more mass than those who followed the same diet but ate a carb-heavy snack such as crackers instead.
- Apple: they contain pectin, which helps in slowing down digestion, keeping the stomach full. It acts as a natural appetite suppressant. They are also a good source of antioxidants, vitamin c, and fibers.
- Avocados: they are a storehouse of magnesium, potassium and other macronutrients.
- Bananas: they are the perfect source of resistant starch. They resist food cravings and keep the stomach full. They regulate blood pressure, replenish nutrients after the workout.
- Coffee: caffeine in coffee is a good source for speeding the body’s metabolism. A study in Physiology & Behaviour found that the average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who drank only decaf.
- Dark chocolate: contains a good amount of monosaturated fatty acids, speeding up the body’s metabolism. It also curbs chocolate cravings.
- Green tea: they are packed with antioxidants helping in fat burning, inflammation prevention and increase the energy.
- Lemons: apart from adding taste to the regular food, it serves as a pectin fiber, and a vital source of vitamin C.
- Oatmeal: they boost metabolism resisting starch and have 4.6 grams in half serving
- Oranges: from the family of citrus fruits, they contain low calories and plenty of fiber.
- Peanut butter: the favorite meal since childhood, it is a great source of protein and healthy fats. Having small snacks during the day that include a lean protein such as peanut butter with complex carbs (like an apple or banana) can also help keep your metabolism running smoothly.
- Pumpkin: Pumpkin is packed with filling fiber which contains more than 20% of the daily recommended amount and potassium, vitamin B, and beta-carotene. And it’s low in calories but naturally sweet, making it the perfect ingredient for guilt-free baked goods.
Quality of life
When we talk about something that will improve our quality of life, it implies that something which will increase the sense of satisfaction of well being. This is a condition resulting from the combination of the effects of a complete range of factors such as those determining health, happiness, education, social and intellectual attainment, freedom of action, justice and freedom of expression. This is a composite measure of physical, mental and social well being as perceived by the individual or a group of individuals.
There are three indices for quality of life –
- Happiness,
- Psychological well being,
- Life satisfaction.
Happiness is a mental state or condition that occurs when one’s subjective desires and aspirations are relatively met. Psychologists consider it as the ratio of material consumption and desire. Happiness, not only refers to a material well being. But is also concerned with personal judgments in an economic matter, family considerations, and health. Life is considered as happy when it is more meaningful and purposeful.
Psychological well being is one’s own perception of their everyday life activities. Such feeling may range from negative mental state to positive outlook.
Life satisfaction is the degree to which one reports satisfaction with the salient features of one’s life and space. It refers to the judgmental processes in which the individual assesses the quality of life on his unique set criteria. This is individual’s subjective evaluation of the degree to which his or her most important goal, wishes, and needs have been fulfilled.
The over three ideas are between related. Life satisfaction generates a feeling of well being which in turn produces happiness.
There are a number of factors which influence the quality of life.
Demographic factors like age, sex, and socioeconomic status are known to affect the quality of life.
Personal variables like education, health, home environment, occupation, recreation also influence the same.
Social variables like interpersonal relations, neighborhood and strength of civic agencies too decide the quality of life.
Health or illness lies in our mind
The simplest definition of ill health is that it is opposite of health i.e. it refers to any deviation from normal functioning or the state of complete mental, physical and social well being.
Disease, ill-health, illness, and sickness need to be differentiated as they don’t imply the same meaning.
- Ill Health: The term ill health refers to a diseased condition that prevents an individual’s optimal physical, mental and social well being.
- Disease: The term disease primarily refers to physiological dysfunctioning. Though, these days, the term expanded to include within its purview, psychological dysfunctioning as well.
- Illness: It is a subjective state of a person who feels aware of not being well. Therefore, it alludes to the nearness of a particular sickness as well as to person’s recognition and conduct in light of the malady. It also the effect of the ailment on the psycho-social condition.
- Sickness: A state of social dysfunctioning. It is a role that a person assumes when ill. It is therefore quite possible to be a victim of disease without feeling ill and to be ill without having any physical impairment.
This feeling of illness depends upon a number of personality variables like pessimistic outlook, jealousy, hostility, insecurity, lack of self-control, etc.
In recent years, the term lifestyle diseases have been coined to refer to the disorders that are caused by many health damaging personal habits. Psychologists have identified a number of behavioral risk factors that increase the chance of illness. These include overeating, lack of exercise, unsafe sexual practices, drug and alcohol abuse, violence etc. Cognitive variables like attitude, beliefs and value system too play an important role in determining sickness. Interpersonal relationships, neighborhood and person’s socio-economic status are also the major determinants of this psychological state. Negative dispositions and sentiments of defenselessness and misery can make interminable pressure. Which irritates the body’s hormone adjust, exhausts the cerebrum chemicals required for joy, and harms the resistant framework. Unending pressure can really diminish our life expectancy.
See More: Mental Health