
Category Archives: Teeth Care

7 years ago Health , Teeth Care

Diet for Good Teeth | A Guide to have Healthy Teeth & Gums

Oral Health and Hygiene is essential for the overall well being of a person. Most people don’t realize the importance of oral health. Teeth are necessary for eating and chewing, without them life gets difficult. Imagine, not being able to eat our favorite food, crunchy fruits, vegetables and all the amazing things out there. It is indeed scary!!

We need healthy teeth and gums to eat nutritious foods. And we need to eat nutritious foods for healthy teeth. When we are young it is our diet which influences the development of our teeth and when we are old, what we eat helps in maintaining our teeth.

Now if we don’t take care of our teeth and gums, there are high chances of tooth decay, gum disease, and even bone loss.

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There is a very famous quote “If our eyes are a window to the soul, our teeth and gums are a window into our bodies.” The condition of our teeth and gums seldom show signs of various systemic diseases.

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Therefore, I’m going to list out various Nutrients which are required for healthy teeth and gums.

  • CALCIUM – helps in the formation of strong bones and teeth
  • IRON Consumption of inadequate iron causes inflammation of the tongue.
  • VITAMIN A improves immune function. But should not be consumed in excess quantity as it can lead to Vit.A toxicity.
  • VITAMIN C Essential for collagen formation as well as to maintain periodontal ligament.
  • VITAMIN Dessential for remineralization of enamel
  • PHOSPHORUS – to maintain the integrity of tooth structure
  • PROTEINthe most vital nutrient, used to maintain connective tissue and mucosal membrane


healthy teeth, diet for teeth, good teeth, tips,

Perfect Guide to have Healthy Teeth

Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health.

One should consume foods rich in proteins, fibers, and fresh vegetables. One should Avoid processed foods, especially those that are high in sugars.

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Now, I’m going to list down various things which should be included in our diet for healthy gums and teeth.

  • Milk: Essential for the strengthening of bones and teeth.
  • Apple: Apple is a natural cleanser. Also, it enhances the stimulation of gums and teeth.
  • Onions: A compound called SULPHUR is present in onions which prevents tooth decay as it is antibacterial killing all the bacteria responsible for decaying of teeth.
  • Green leafy vegetables: They are a great source of vitamins and minerals as well as Fiber.
  • Cheese: It does sound shocking but cheese is actually pretty amazing for your teeth. It helps in maintaining low acidic levels of the oral cavity.
  • Oranges: Vitamin C is a major nutrient present in oranges which strengthens the gums. Deficiency of this nutrient causes a condition called Scurvy which causes excessive bleeding of gums.
  • Pear: These are rich in fibers and helps in maintaining the acid levels in the oral cavity.
  • Tea: It consists of a compound called Polyphenol which prevents plaque accumulation. They are anti-inflammatory in nature. It also prevents a condition called HALITOSIS which in layman’s term is called BAD BREATH.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon and mackerel are two of the best food sources of vitamin D. Vitamin D are crucial for oral health because it allows your body to absorb Calcium.


So along with Brushing and flossing, these are the food items that one must include in his/her diet so as to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Doing so will keep tooth decay and other health problems at bay.

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