

Vitamin C  also known as ascorbic acid is in abundantly present in fruits and vegetables. It is a water-soluble vitamin and also powerful antioxidant which helps the body form and maintain the connective tissue, including the bones, skin and blood vessels.

What does Vitamin C do? What are some of its health benefits?

Many people think of vitamin C as a less required nutrient. Surprisingly, Vitamin C has a lot of health benefits. It helps to repair & regenerate tissues, it makes collagen that supports our blood vessels and ligaments, fights against heart diseases, prevents scurvy and also combats against a variety of cancers by fighting against free radicals. It also helps to lessen the duration & symptoms of common cold, reduces the impacts of cataracts and absorbs iron from plant-based foods and thus provides a healthy immune system.

Health benefits of vitamin C:

  • IMMUNITY: Vitamin C prevents the body from infections and helps to maintain healthy teeth and bones. It also improves the body’s ability to fight against bacteria, viruses and other infections thereby providing the better immune system. Vitamin C when consumed orally helps to heal the wounds better.


  • ANTIOXIDANT: Vitamin C is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals that cause cellular rust or oxidative stress which can lead to much serious health conditions such as stroke or heart diseases.


  • HYPERTENSION: Vitamin C lowers the blood pressure and decreases the chances of hypertension and also other serious health issues accompanied by hypertension.


  • LEAD TOXICITY: Vitamin C can lower the level of lead in the blood. Lead toxicity can cause behavioral and developmental changes in children especially among those living in urban areas. Lead toxicity may lead to lowered IQ levels, learning disabilities and stunted growth among children. Adults may experience kidney damage or high blood pressure due to lead toxicity.


  • LOSS WEIGHT: Vitamin C fruits and juices helps to lose fat and thereby remain healthy. Vitamin C rich foods also help in maintaining insulin level.


  • ASTHMA: People with low levels of vitamin C have greater chances of getting asthma. Increasing the level of vitamin C will lessen the production of histamine that contributes to inflammation.


  • SKIN: Vitamin C prevents the skin from the harmful radiations of the sun. It is an important ingredient in skin care treatments. It protects the skin from free radicals that develop due to the exposure to the sun, pollution, and regular


  • HEALS WOUNDS FASTER: Vitamin C has the ability to heal the wounds faster. If the wound heals at a very low rate then it indicates a deficiency of vitamin C. it improves skin elasticity that helps to create scar tissue and ligaments for a quick


  • PROTECTS AGAINST SKIN DISCOLORATION: It protects DNA from the photochemical reaction which can cause skin discoloration, tumor or skin cancers in the worst


  • IMPROVES HAIR GROWTH: Deficiency of vitamin C may be a root cause for many of the hair related problems. Vitamin C deficiency can cause dry hair or split ends. These can adversely affect the hair growth. When our body breaks don the food we eat into glucose for energy, it produces free radicals which can damage the hair making it weak, brittle and prone to breakage.


  • FIGHTS DANDRUFF: Vitamin C helps to fight the bacteria on the scalp. It also washes off all dandruff and encourages the growth of new hair. It also helps to cure dry and itchy hair because of antiviral properties.


  • PREVENTS HAIRLOSS: It helps in proper functioning of the adrenal gland which encourages hair growth and prevents hair fall as well.



  • THICKENS HAIR: It improves blood circulation and helps to strengthen and repair capillaries. This is very important that helps the hair to grow thicker.


  • PREVENTS GREYING OF HAIR: It not only prevents hair loss but also helps to retain the natural color of the hair thereby preventing premature graying of hair.



  • ¨ MEN- Men requires about 90mg per day
  • ¨ WOMENWomen requires about 75mg per day
  • ¨ PREGNANT WOMEN- pregnant women requires about 85mg per day
  • ¨ BREASTFEEDING WOMEN- breastfeeding women requires about 120mg per day

The smoker will benefit only if they consume a higher intake of vitamin C. They require about 250mg per day

Food sources rich in vitamin C

  • Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamin c. One can incorporate these foods into the diet to get the recommended amount of vitamin C.
  • Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemon, and their juices, kiwi, red and green pepper are all rich sources of vitamin C. other fruits and vegetables include baked potatoes and tomatoes, broccoli and strawberries.
  • Vitamin C is also a dietary supplement and it comes in many forms such as capsules, tablets or even drinks mix packs.

Now that you know the benefits of Vitamin C, make sure you are taking it in the recommended amounts daily.

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