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6 years ago Health , LifeStyle

Premature Ejaculation: Causes and Treatments

Premature Ejaculation: Causes and Treatments

Premature Ejaculation Causes and Treatments

Premature Ejaculation Causes and Treatments

Premature ejaculation (PE) or early ejaculation or rapid ejaculation is the male orgasm and ejaculation even before penetration or shortly after penetration against the wishes of the participants. This is totally involuntary and leaves the partners dis-satisfied with the sexual union. Different health agencies have different opinion regarding the minimal time of intercourse which could be categorized under premature ejaculation. However, most of them has the opinion that any time less than one minutes during intercourse may be termed as pre-mature ejaculation. The average time of intercourse is considered to be 4 to 8 minutes. Hong, the famous evolutionary scientist argued that premature ejaculation is an evolutionary adaptation in favor of survival of human race. According to him, those who can ejaculate rapidly are capable of fertilizing the female even in short span of intercourse and are thus more capable of procreating. However, in modern context, where intercourse is more a means of recreation than procreation, this has emerged like a disease which leaves the interpersonal relation among the couples strained and tense.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation (PE)

Premature ejaculation is quiet common problem having diverse social and biological reasons. Many agencies suggest that the habit of masturbating quickly during adolescence under the fear of being caught develops the habit of premature ejaculation. Oversensitivity of penis during initial days of sexual intercourse might be another reason. Some biological causes have been attributed to premature ejaculation like serotonin receptors.


Treatment of Premature ejaculation (PE)


  1. Stop and Start technique

In this technique, the person is suggested to stop the stimulation altogether just      before he reaches the point of no return for ejaculation. After giving a pause of few minutes till the urge to ejaculate diminishes, the person may re-start the sexual activity. This may be repeated several times so as to increase the total time of intercourse.


  1. Squeeze technique

In this technique, the female partner is suggested to squeeze the penis of the male partner whenever he feels the urge to ejaculate. She should keep him squeezed till the urge pass away, and restart the sexual activity thereafter. This prolongs the overall time of intercourse.


  1. Kegel exercises

Pub coccygeal muscle at the pelvic floor is the common muscle which controls the passing of urine as well as ejaculation. Contracting and relaxing the same muscle which one does while passing the urine will tone this and help to develop the control over ejaculation. Stopping the urine flow mid-stream and thereafter passing it drop wise is another way to tone up this muscle and develop more ejaculatory control.

6 years ago Health , LifeStyle , Medical

Erectile dysfunction(ED): Causes and Treatments

Erectile dysfunction(ED): Causes and Treatments

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as Impotence is the inability of to get or maintain erection during sexual intercourse in human beings. Erection of penis is a natural process during sexual arousal. It is controlled by brain under the influence of various sensory perceptions like touch, visual and smell. This is a hydraulic process commanded by the brain, in which the blood flow to the penis is increased, thus causing the erection. Proper erection ensures successful intercourse.


Causes of erectile dysfunction

Failure to get or maintain erection makes intercourse difficult. This problem might have psychological or physiological causes.


Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

Psychological reasons of erectile dysfunction include mental stress, lack of adjustment among couples, job pressure, anxiety, lack of privacy, fear of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and performance anxiety. This can be easily treated by psychological counselling and placebo medicines.


Physiological causes of erectile dysfunction

Physiological or physical causes of erectile dysfunction are those morphological or chemical changes within the body which make proper erection difficult. The main physiological causes of erectile dysfunction are mentioned as under:

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  1. Diseases like diabetes and multiple sclerosis
  2. Medicines like anti-depressant and diuretics
  3. Smoking
  4. Hormonal imbalances (Testosterone deficiency)
  5. Nerve disorders
  6. Prostate surgery
  7. Ageing

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

 The cause of erectile dysfunction is diagnosed through the use of various techniques  like Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), Corpus cavernosometry, Dynamic infusion cavernosometry (DICC), Penile biothesiometry, Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), Penile nerves function, Duplex ultrasound.


Treatment of erectile dysfunction

 Once, the reason behind the erectile dysfunction is identified, treatment procedure could be planned. This mainly includes the following

  1. Hormone replacement therapy (Testosterone injections)
  2. Medicines like sildenafil (Viagra)
  3. Use of penis pumps
  4. Alternative medicines like herbs and libido booster food/aphrodisiacs
  5. Prosthetic penile implants to maintain erection
  6. Psychological counselling
  7. Proper diet
  8. Regular exercise

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