Medical Question & Answersvaginal itching
Don asked 8 years ago

I am married since last October. After marriage I had uti. I was described antibiotics. I got well but then with time pain became worse. The pain became severe in lower abdomen like heaviness and/or contractions sometimes, and my right side the pain is like a knife or burn. This pain used to occur during or after sex and takes some time to go away. However since February it bacame chronic and worsens by too much standing, sitting, activity or travelling and of course during and after sex. The pain is accompanied by nausea, tiredness, lower (especially right) back pain sometimes affecting right thigh. In March, the doctor diagnosed me with uti and inflammation of uterus (i don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t know the medical name but may be pelvic inflammatory disease) she said it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s normal and happens at early days of marriage. She prescribed antibiotics and flagyl for ten days. The pain got less a bit but it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s still present… I went to other doctors did ultrasound and cbc test and all said that I have nothing wrong. Now I started to have dryness and itchness inside vagina almost all day long even without sex. Sometimes I notice a bit of white like cheese discharge and a bit of weird smell. My husband was using condom so we only tried getting prego two months. The first I was having pelvic inflammation (didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’t know at the time) and the other I got pregnant but miscarried at the end fifth week.. my husband just now got treated from uti caused by proteus organism….. Please help

1 Answers
freedoctorhelpline Staff answered 8 years ago

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a serious condition which needs to be thoroughly investigate and properly treated. Most of the symptoms you have mentioned is that of pelvic inflammatory disease. White vaginal discharge might be due to fungal infection. For this clomitrazole vaginal tablets may be used. Please consult a gynecologist for further treatment.

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