I havent slept properly for months and months. I went to see my doctor last year and she said that it was depression and won’t do anything until I go on anti-depressants. I do not want to do this, I was diagnosed with severe depression years ago and went on anti-depressants, got through it and got well. I know what it feels like and it’s not that. I either sleep fitfully with vivid dreams/nightmares or I just constantly wake up. Come morning I feel terrible, like I haven’t slept in weeks. I also struggle to function, with mood swings and sometimes vision/focussing problems. What could be wrong and what could I do to sleep please?
Your doctor must have prescribed you the medications only after proper evaluation of your health condition.
Although, good diet, regular exercise, proper socialisation and good professional engagements are the keys to get rid of any sort of depression. Please engage them and try to enjoy your life in a meaningful way.
Still, if you don’t find the relief, you may choose to start the antidepressants as prescribed by your doctor.