Hello. Please, I need instant help. I used to be secretly bulimic and I purged. I am fine now and I haven’t purged in a long time. But even though, I still have those yellow bubbles/circles on my throat. They don’t hurt at all, sometimes I forget they are there. It has been over a year and they still didn’t go. I am scared I could get cancer and something more serious happen even though I don’t purge or have pain. Please help me, I am scared.
A sore throat or stomach pain may be the first obvious physical side effects of bulimia. Chronic self-induced vomiting can cause a variety of symptoms in the digestive tract, beginning at the mouth. … Excessive vomiting may cause a sore or swollen throat. Acid can irritate or tear the esophagus.
Other common medical complications and adverse effects of bulimia include:
- Abdominal pain, bloating.
- Swelling of the hands and feet.
- Chronic sore throat, hoarseness.
- Broken blood vessels in the eyes.
- Swollen cheeks and salivary glands.
Cancer is no where the repercussion of this. So, you worry is irrational. Still, if you are worried about cancer, get yourself examined by a suitable doctor .