Dr. R P Gupta is a Dentist in Sector-5, Panchkula and is affiliated with multiple hospitals/clinics in the area including Guptas Dental Hospital.He received his medical degree in BDS, MDS – Pedodontics and has been in practice for 41 years .He/She will be available on MON-SAT6:00PM-8:30PM
- Hospital Affiliations Guptas Dental Hospital
- Experience / Tranining 41 years
- Fellowship
- Education Qualification BDS, MDS - Pedodontics
- Dentist
- maxiofacial surgeon
- orthodontist
- Maxiollofacial Prosthetics
- Osseointegrated implants
- Retention Implant Dentures
- Laser Gingivoplasty
- Recontruction of Smile
- Mucpgingival Surgery
- correction of gummy smile
- facial Revitalization
- Dental Exam
- Bone Graft
- Implant Rehabilitation
- Mouth Bleed
- Oral Pathology