Dr. Jothikumar Kamalakkannan is a Dentist in Kathirkamam, Puducherry and is affiliated with multiple hospitals/clinics in the area including Vijaya Dental Health Cure.He received his medical degree in BDS, MDS and has been in practice for 21 years .He/She will be available on
- Hospital Affiliations Vijaya Dental Health Cure
- Experience / Tranining 21 years
- Fellowship
- Education Qualification BDS, MDS
- Dentist
- maxiofacial surgeon
- orthodontist
- Orthodontics
- Ceramic Braces Fixing
- Bleeding Gums Treatment
- Metal Braces Fixing
- Cosmetic Filling
- Pit And Fissure Sealant
- Genral Dentist
- prosthodontist
- Laser surgery
- Tooth Colored
- Sealant
- Minor Suregry
- Endo surgery or Apicoetomy
- Inlays
- cast partial Denture
- Smile design
- Smile Architect
- jewel teeth
- smile makeover
- Zirconia Crowns