Dr. H.C Nagpal is a Pulmonologist in Sector-11, Panchkula and is affiliated with multiple hospitals/clinics in the area including Nagpal Medicare.He received his medical degree in MBBS, MD – Internal Medicine and has been in practice for 36 years .He/She will be available on MON-SAT7:00PM-7:15PM
- Hospital Affiliations Nagpal Medicare
- Experience / Tranining 36 years
- Fellowship
- Education Qualification MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine
- Pulmonologist
- Chest Disease Treatment
- Brochial Ashthma Treatment
- Eosinophilia
- Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment
- Lung Infections
- Obesity Related Lung Diseases
- Lung Abscess
- Thoracoscopy
- Sleep Apnea
- Pleural Effusion
- Plurisy