
Tags Archives: Stomach heat

6 years ago Health , Home Remedies

Stomach Heat: Here’s How You Can Keep Your Stomach Cool Naturally!

What Is Stomach Heat?

Stomach Heat, Stomach Heat treatment, Stomach Heat prevention, Stomach pain reliefFast production of heat in the stomach as the result of a high digestive process is called stomach heat. It is usually characterized by swollen gums and smelly breath. Managing healthy life with work is not easy but that simply doesn’t mean that it is unachievable it only needs some time and instruction from a pro. We give so much of work to our digestive system, stuff our stomach with unhealthy food and fail to take care of it. But thanks to defense mechanism in our body which can fight back diseases to some extent. One such mechanism is Stomach heat. This disorder occurs due to excess of heat in the stomach.

Common causes of stomach heat are overeating, spicy food consumption, taking many painkillers and antibiotics, constipation, gastric ulcer, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Other causes are some digestive disorders like gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, food allergies, stomach inflammation. It can be identified by bad breath and swollen gums. It creates burning sensation stomach and also causes pain.

See: 8 Ways to Reduce Body Heat!

Now how can you find out that you are suffering from this Disorder?

This is possible by observing the symptoms. Doctors diagnose this disorder by physical examination and changing eating habits and if the symptoms persist doctor may ask you to undergo some tests like chest X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan and gastric acid monitoring.

Stomach Heat Symptoms includes:

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  • Discomfort in the upper abdomen or lower chest
  • Bloating
  • Burping
  • The early feeling of fullness while eating
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Gas
  • Hiccups
  • A cough and wheezing and
  • Difficulty in swallowing.


Treatment is given by prescribing antacid, proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers.

It is easily treated with home remedies like drinking lot f water, consuming cold fluids, coconut water, fresh lime juice plays a good role in reducing stomach heat, eating yogurt.  It could be reduced by avoiding spicy food, beverages,  spices. To avoid side effects of medications this disorder can be cured by home remedies.

stomach, heat, treatment, prevention, causes, cure, health, home remedies

Some of the Home Remedies to overcome Stomach Heat  Naturally are:

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  • Lemon juice: lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach helps you to get rid of acid reflux. Heavy meals or not following a proper timetable for everyday meals causes acid reflux in the stomach.  Lemon juice helps to balance the acids in the stomach.
  • Yogurt: Thus dairy product is easy to digest and it soothes the gut lining, helps in digestion and reduces the burning sensation in the stomach.  You can either have plain yogurt or you can take it in the form of buttermilk.
  • Water: water has always been the solution for healthy living. It cures the stomach heat immediately and soothes the gut. It also ensures removal of effects of high heat in the stomach and gives healthy digestive system.
  • Milk: It has a soothing property which relives the stomach and reduces stomach heat and hence removed uneasiness created by it.  It reduces the acidity. For best results consume raw cold milk every day.
  • Fruits: water-rich fruits like watermelon, peach, cucumber and will reduce the heat and are easy to digest.  Fruits like banana and avocado also neutralize the acidity. Citrus fruits must be avoided as they increase the acidity and raises the temperature.
  • Coconut water: It has alkaline nature that neutralizes the acidity into he stomach and soothes the stomach lining. It reduces heat and provides the cooling effect.
  • Rice: plain rice without any spices helps to relieve acidity and gives soothing effect due to its high water content. Rice with yogurt will give good results as both of them helps to relieve stomach heat.


Food which should be avoided in case if you are prone to develop stomach heat or suffering with it is French fries, chocolate, onion, spices,  garlic Caffeine, spicy food, dairy products like cream and cheese and citrus fruits.

Oats, millets, wheat,  barley, honey, apple, pears, soy milk,  spinach, cabbage juice can be included in your diet to avoid acidity, stomach heat, and stomach burns.  Now that you know what is good for your stomach let’s get a good diet plan and get rid of those stomach burns.

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