
Category Archives: LifeStyle

8 years ago LifeStyle

Lifestyle and well being

Lifestyle is the way people live and is reflected in the whole range of social values, attitudes and activities. It is composed of cultural and behavioral pattern and lifelong personal habit that have developed through socialization. Lifestyle are learned through social interaction with parents, peer group, friends, siblings and through school and mass media.

Recently, the world health organization proposed the concept of well being. The objective components of well being relates to standard of living whereas the subjective component is related to quality of life.

The standard of living refers to usual scale of expenditure, the goods we consume and the services we enjoy. It also includes the level of education, employment status, food, dress and other comforts of modern living. A parallel term is “Level of living”. This consists of components like health , education, food consumption, clothing, housing, social security, working condition, recreation, leisure and human rights.

8 years ago Health , LifeStyle

Quality of life

When we talk about something that will improve our quality of life, it implies that something which will increase the sense of satisfaction of well being. This is a condition resulting from the combination of the effects of a complete range of factors such as those determining health, happiness, education, social and intellectual attainment, freedom of action, justice and freedom of expression. This is a composite measure of physical, mental and social well being as perceived by the individual or a group of individuals.

There are three indices for quality of life –

  • Happiness,
  • Psychological well being,
  • Life satisfaction.

quality of life

Happiness is a mental state or condition that occurs when one’s subjective desires and aspirations are relatively met. Psychologists consider it as the ratio of material consumption and desire. Happiness, not only refers to a material well being. But is also concerned with personal judgments in an economic matter, family considerations, and health. Life is considered as happy when it is more meaningful and purposeful.

 Psychological well being is one’s own perception of their everyday life activities. Such feeling may range from negative mental state to positive outlook.


self satisfection Quality of lifeLife satisfaction is the degree to which one reports satisfaction with the salient features of one’s life and space. It refers to the judgmental processes in which the individual assesses the quality of life on his unique set criteria. This is individual’s subjective evaluation of the degree to which his or her most important goal, wishes, and needs have been fulfilled.

The over three ideas are between related. Life satisfaction generates a feeling of well being which in turn produces happiness.

There are a number of factors which influence the quality of life.

Demographic factors like age, sex, and socioeconomic status are known to affect the quality of life.

Personal variables like education, health, home environment, occupation, recreation also influence the same.

Social variables like interpersonal relations, neighborhood and strength of civic agencies too decide the quality of life.


8 years ago Health , LifeStyle

Meditation: Spirituality and Peace Of Mind.

Meditation is a learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness. In this state, awareness and contact with the external world are reduced.

There are many types of meditation, each with its own specific techniques for generating that altered state.

In Zen, for instance, individuals first learn to perform acts that focus their attention inward, such as counting their own breaths. Later they sit in specific positions and consider a riddle or thought-provoking questions. Through such procedures, individuals remove themselves from normal rational patterns of thought and enter the altered state of consciousness.

Another form of meditation which has attained immense popularity is Transcendental. Specialists of this kind of reflection rehash a word or set of words, known as Mantra, again and again, concentrating completely on this movement as opposed to on their general surroundings. If they found their thoughts beginning to wonder, they attempt to bring them back to the mantra. This requires extensive intellectual teach, however, this ability must be scholarly in the event that one needs to effectively rehearse supernatural contemplation.

Regardless of the nature of the particular initial stimulus, in most forms of meditation, the key to the procedure is concentrating on it. So thoroughly that the meditator becomes unaware of any external stimulation and reaches a different state of consciousness.

“Meditation practice isn’t attached in with attempting to dispose of ourselves and advance toward getting to be something better, it’s fixing in with becoming more acquainted with our character”.

Following this, people report feeling thoroughly relaxed. They sometimes related that they have gained new insight into themselves and the problems they are facing. The long-term practice of this may even improve health.

Meditation brings about severe physiological changes. For example, oxygen usages decrease, heart rate and blood pressure declines and brainwave pattern change. However similar changes occur during relaxation of any sort. So, whether these changes qualify as indications of trues alteration in consciousness remains an open question.

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8 years ago Health , LifeStyle

Understanding health- Know the importance of Health

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health has three dimensions- Mental; Physical: and social. It is a condition that allows us to adjust well to our environment and derive maximum benefit from it and use that benefit for his/her psychological well being. Positive health refers to the perfect functioning of body and mind. It conceptualizes health biologically as a state, a situation, and circumstances. In which every cell and every organ is functioning in optimal capacity.and in harmony with the rest of the body.

Psychologically, it is a state in which, the individual feels a sense of perfect well being and a mastery of his environment.

“Social health is a state in which individual’s capacity for participation in a social system is optimal”.Understanding Health, health is wealth

The concept of Positive Health

This concept of positive health is a mirage as a man will never be able to adapt so perfectly with his environment.

The environment around us changes and to adapt to the changes, one needs new coping skills. To develop those coping skills, one needs time. Therefore, every change in the environment would definitely result in a period of struggle, before it is finally overcome. Hence, to remain in a state of positive health or for that matter, to achieve it, is a near impossibility.

A person who is able to express his genetic heritage completely can be regarded as a positively healthy individual. However, this goal is not easy because it requires that the individual has a relationship with the environment which is very healthy and also that he has the awareness to detect and know his potential so that he can transform his genetic potential into phenotypic reality.

To conclude, a healthy person is one who has an optimistic mindset. He is aware of his potentialities. He should not have an absolutistic thinking. They behave in a proactive manner rather than reactive way. They are able to use humor to deal with stressors. The balanced view of life is necessary, and a healthy person should be ready to change if circumstances demand. They are open to feedback from the environment so that, they can formulate their strategy to deal with it effectively. A healthy person has positive self-concept and confidence in their

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