
Category Archives: LifeStyle

6 years ago LifeStyle , obesity

Perfect diet for loosing weight

Losing weight has become a mandatory measure of survival in today’s lifestyle. It is vital to maintaining proper weight to avoid further chronic disease development in the later stages of life. Hence for more proper weight loss, we need to maintain a proper diet. Losing weight is completely using the saturated body fat for metabolism purposes. Hence a diet for the same should be followed.


The quick tips for a properly balanced weight loss regimen are:

  • Have regular meals
  • Eat in proper time periods
  • Get homemade food
  • Keep healthy and fresh food on the go
  • Include all types of food types.
  • Choose smaller size plates for eating less
  • Avoid direct sugar and salt
  • Eat more fibers like fruits, veggies, and nuts
  • Keep a flexible diet plan.



 The important foods which should be added to the weight loss regimen are:


  1. Almonds: they are the best source of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, helping in lowering body cholesterol. The constant the minimal calories thane any nuts and plenty of fiber and vitamin E. individuals who supplementary a daily portion of almonds to a low-calorie diet lost more mass than those who followed the same diet but ate a carb-heavy snack such as crackers instead.


  1. Apple: they contain pectin, which helps in slowing down digestion, keeping the stomach full. It acts as a natural appetite suppressant. They are also a good source of antioxidants, vitamin c, and fibers.



  1. Avocados: they are a storehouse of magnesium, potassium and other macronutrients.


  1. Bananas: they are the perfect source of resistant starch. They resist food cravings and keep the stomach full. They regulate blood pressure, replenish nutrients after the workout.


  1. Coffee: caffeine in coffee is a good source for speeding the body’s metabolism. A study in Physiology & Behaviour found that the average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who drank only decaf.


  1. Dark chocolate: contains a good amount of monosaturated fatty acids, speeding up the body’s metabolism. It also curbs chocolate cravings.


  1. Green tea: they are packed with antioxidants helping in fat burning, inflammation prevention and increase the energy.
  2. Lemons: apart from adding taste to the regular food, it serves as a pectin fiber, and a vital source of vitamin C.


  1. Oatmeal: they boost metabolism resisting starch and have 4.6 grams in half serving


  1. Oranges: from the family of citrus fruits, they contain low calories and plenty of fiber.



  1. Peanut butter: the favorite meal since childhood, it is a great source of protein and healthy fats. Having small snacks during the day that include a lean protein such as peanut butter with complex carbs (like an apple or banana) can also help keep your metabolism running smoothly.


  1. Pumpkin: Pumpkin is packed with filling fiber which contains more than 20% of the daily recommended amount and potassium, vitamin B, and beta-carotene. And it’s low in calories but naturally sweet, making it the perfect ingredient for guilt-free baked goods.
6 years ago LifeStyle

Teenage Bodybuilding: A Guide for Your Muscle Quest

“Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it’s about better than you used to be”. This quote should be taken as a key principal for all the teenagers who are enthusiast towards the bodybuilding and gymming trends. In this article, we will talk about what should be adapted and what should not be to achieve a perfect fitness goals.

Teenage is an exponential growth phase of an individual. At this phase body ask for the high nutrition to achieve the correct growth. There are lots of myths associated with the teenage bodybuilding and one of the biggest is that doing weightlifting and regular gyming can stunt their growth. But the truth is that if it is done under proper supervision than it can definitely improve your game.

What should be adopted?

  1. Nutrition for teens: To achieve your dream fitness goal one should give ample amount of nutrition to it. You need to have balanced diet to keep your body energized and grow properly. A balanced diet includes raw materials high in nutritive values of carbs, proteins, fats and fibers. To attain proper body mass and weight one should have a good diet.
  2. In carbohydrates, you can have a bowl of oatmeal, sweet potatoes, rice and corns. Approximately of 40-50 gms of carbohydrates should be included in each servings.
  3. In fibres, one can include ½ cup of raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pepper etc. with each serving weighs approximately 6gm.
  4. In proteins chicken breast, egg whites, turkey, fish and size of each serving will be approximately 30-50 gms.
  5. Good fat list includes extra virgin olive oil or organic flaxseed oil.

Be hydrated: Throughout the day drink about 0.66x your bodyweight in ounces of water. To excrete all the toxic waste of out of your body one should drink ample amount of water. Dehydration of muscles can lead to painful cramps.

Avoid taking shortcuts: The mantra of bodybuilding is S=Dx (T+N+R) where S stands for the success which can only be achieved when D- determination is multiplied and added with T- training, N-proper nutrition, R- rest and recovery. None of the step should be missed out to achieve your fit body goals. Don’t skip your meals with supplements and never go for steroids as they can cause serious damage to your health.

Recommended movements: To get the best results some of the recommended movements are as following

  • Chest: bench press, incline bench press, chest dips
  • Back: deadlifts, barbell rows, dumbbell rows, pull ups.
  • Shoulder: Military press, seated barbell press, seated dumbbell press.
  • Triceps – Close grip bench Press, dips, bench dips.

Get a proper check-up: Consult the doctor before engaging in to any of the body building programmes and get yourself checked for any of the abnormalities or risk of cardiac or bone diseases.

What should be avoided?

  1. Avoid the injuries: you should not focus so much on lifting the heaviest weights to maintain good form. Good form can only be achieved if you train under expert supervision to avoid the risk of injuries and this will definitely help in better development.
  2. Avoid fancy supplements: Most people think that supplements are the most important part of gaining muscle but is not totally true. Supplements are just additions to an already good nutrition and training program. Supplements do not make up for improper training and in teenage one should avoid taking testosterone enhancing supplements. When an individual is at his teen the level of testosterone is already very high and there is no need of supplements whereas instead of fancy supplements one can take protein bar or ready to drink shakes. About 1.6 grams of protein each day for each kilogram that you weigh is optimal for an individual and one should not overdo protein in their diet with unnecessary supplements.
  3. Take proper sleep: Our body needs about 7-8 hours of sleep and if you want to achieve healthy and fit body one should take proper sleep. Teenagers generally likes to stay awake for late night but this habit affects their concentration and stamina and they will get distracted from their fitness dream goals.


6 years ago Health , LifeStyle

How do I floss my teeth?

You are never fully dressed without your smile

Isn’t it is true that smile is the best curve and we all wish for white sparkling smile. Now we all are very much aware about brushing and in twenty first century, it’s a morning routine which we follow certainly. But in this article, we will talk about the additive practice with brushing which is not quite famous in India is “dental floss”. Joel Spolsky said that, “Writing specs is like flossing: everybody agrees that it’s a good thing, but nobody does it.”This statement by Joel clearly expressed that being a good habit flossing is still not practised faithfully.


History of floss!

In year 1819, Levi Spear Parmly was the first to introduce the idea of interdental cleaning with filamentous material along with dentifrices and tooth brush. Later in 1882, unwaxed silk floss was introduced by Codman & Shurtleff. But in year 1887, Johnson & Johnson were the one who marketed the dental floss and made it available. But during the second world war the production of silk was foreshortening and Dr Charles C. Bass invented nylon dental floss. Nylon was not only more readily available, but it was also more durable. Within a century, the idea of cleaning between the teeth with floss was common dental knowledge.


Why do we need to floss?

Although we brush daily and we think that our basic regime to maintain an oral hygiene is completed, but in actual brushing only removes the plaque from the chewing surface of your teeth whereas the areas between the teeth or interdental spaces are still remains the habitat of the residual bacteria.

Flossing helps in removing plaque from the hard to reach area by toothbrush. According to the American Dental Association, we should floss daily to maintain a good oral hygiene. Combination of daily flossing and brushing prevents the dental caries and periodontal diseases. Adapting the habit of flossing is one of the easiest, inexpensive and safest methods of minimizing the risk of long-term dental diseases.

In recent studies by Dr Roger Sandre, flossing is always important especially when you are undergoing active cancer treatment because the patients with low immunity are prone towards the risk of getting infections and dental infections can cause life threatening conditions if the infection is not cleared from the blood stream. So, to keep your dear ones who are fighting with cancer let them know that the growth of bacteria should not get out of control.

But we can say that regardless of your health status one should always have the habit of flossing.


How to floss

1.Take a 18 inches long floss thread and wind it along your middle finger of each hand and use the thumb to direct the floss in upper teeth.

2.Now pinch the floss between the two thumbs and forefingers of opposite hands such that in the end 1-2 inches long floss will be there in between your hands.

3.By using zig-zag motion gently guide the floss between your teeth and under your gum line until you feel the resistance.

4.Bend the floss around each tooth in a “C” shape and each tooth should be floss thoroughly with a new section of floss.

5.Remember to floss behind your back teeth.


Most of the patients attribute their lack of dental flossing due to the lack of motivation and difficulties in using the floss as they do not know the correct technique of flossing.

In the end, we can say that there is only one goal that’s to keep working and keep flossing.

6 years ago Health , LifeStyle , Medical

Morning after-pill or emergency contraception

Morning after pill or emergency contraception pills are over the counter drugs available to prevent pregnancy within 72 hours of unprotected sex or intercourse. There are many popular brands available like i-pill and unwanted 72. They are very high dose of the hormone progestin/levonorgestrel which are known to prevent fertilization/conception by way of delaying to stopping ovulation.


Effectiveness of emergency contraception


If taken within 72 hours, emergency contraception pills are known to prevent pregnancy in 99% of the cases. The user need not to worry about pregnancy if she has consumed the medicine within the stipulated 72 hours.


Side effects of emergency contraception


As all the emergency contraceptive pills are very high dose of the hormones, they are known to cause certain side effects which are common to the early symptoms of pregnancy. This often leads the user confused and baffled that she might be pregnant. However, in most of the cases, it’s not the pregnancy, but the emergency contraception pill, which is producing the symptoms. The symptoms include the following:

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Nausea
  3. Vomiting
  4. Fatigue
  5. Headache
  6. Dizziness
  7. Breast tenderness
  8. Delay in menstruation
  9. Occasional bleeding or spotting
  10. Weight gain


These side effects may continue for a month or two. The menstrual cycle may remain disturbed for next few months. In long run, being an steroid, these medicines cause substantial weight gain in the users.

Emergency contraceptives and STDs

Emergency contraceptive pills do not provide any protection from sexually transmitted disease like HIV, gonorrhoea or syphlis. Additional safety measures like condoms should be preferred for protection from such sexually transmitted diseases which could prove life threatening in long run.


Emergency contraception pills are not for regular use. Such high dose of hormone, if taken regularly might cause very serious side effects. So, they should never be used as regular method of contraception and should be avoided as far as possible.

6 years ago Health , LifeStyle

Premature Ejaculation: Causes and Treatments

Premature Ejaculation: Causes and Treatments

Premature Ejaculation Causes and Treatments

Premature Ejaculation Causes and Treatments

Premature ejaculation (PE) or early ejaculation or rapid ejaculation is the male orgasm and ejaculation even before penetration or shortly after penetration against the wishes of the participants. This is totally involuntary and leaves the partners dis-satisfied with the sexual union. Different health agencies have different opinion regarding the minimal time of intercourse which could be categorized under premature ejaculation. However, most of them has the opinion that any time less than one minutes during intercourse may be termed as pre-mature ejaculation. The average time of intercourse is considered to be 4 to 8 minutes. Hong, the famous evolutionary scientist argued that premature ejaculation is an evolutionary adaptation in favor of survival of human race. According to him, those who can ejaculate rapidly are capable of fertilizing the female even in short span of intercourse and are thus more capable of procreating. However, in modern context, where intercourse is more a means of recreation than procreation, this has emerged like a disease which leaves the interpersonal relation among the couples strained and tense.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation (PE)

Premature ejaculation is quiet common problem having diverse social and biological reasons. Many agencies suggest that the habit of masturbating quickly during adolescence under the fear of being caught develops the habit of premature ejaculation. Oversensitivity of penis during initial days of sexual intercourse might be another reason. Some biological causes have been attributed to premature ejaculation like serotonin receptors.


Treatment of Premature ejaculation (PE)


  1. Stop and Start technique

In this technique, the person is suggested to stop the stimulation altogether just      before he reaches the point of no return for ejaculation. After giving a pause of few minutes till the urge to ejaculate diminishes, the person may re-start the sexual activity. This may be repeated several times so as to increase the total time of intercourse.


  1. Squeeze technique

In this technique, the female partner is suggested to squeeze the penis of the male partner whenever he feels the urge to ejaculate. She should keep him squeezed till the urge pass away, and restart the sexual activity thereafter. This prolongs the overall time of intercourse.


  1. Kegel exercises

Pub coccygeal muscle at the pelvic floor is the common muscle which controls the passing of urine as well as ejaculation. Contracting and relaxing the same muscle which one does while passing the urine will tone this and help to develop the control over ejaculation. Stopping the urine flow mid-stream and thereafter passing it drop wise is another way to tone up this muscle and develop more ejaculatory control.

6 years ago Health , LifeStyle , Medical

Erectile dysfunction(ED): Causes and Treatments

Erectile dysfunction(ED): Causes and Treatments

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as Impotence is the inability of to get or maintain erection during sexual intercourse in human beings. Erection of penis is a natural process during sexual arousal. It is controlled by brain under the influence of various sensory perceptions like touch, visual and smell. This is a hydraulic process commanded by the brain, in which the blood flow to the penis is increased, thus causing the erection. Proper erection ensures successful intercourse.


Causes of erectile dysfunction

Failure to get or maintain erection makes intercourse difficult. This problem might have psychological or physiological causes.


Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

Psychological reasons of erectile dysfunction include mental stress, lack of adjustment among couples, job pressure, anxiety, lack of privacy, fear of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and performance anxiety. This can be easily treated by psychological counselling and placebo medicines.


Physiological causes of erectile dysfunction

Physiological or physical causes of erectile dysfunction are those morphological or chemical changes within the body which make proper erection difficult. The main physiological causes of erectile dysfunction are mentioned as under:

Erectile dysfunction(ED): Causes and Treatments_Free_Doctor_On_WhatsApp

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  1. Diseases like diabetes and multiple sclerosis
  2. Medicines like anti-depressant and diuretics
  3. Smoking
  4. Hormonal imbalances (Testosterone deficiency)
  5. Nerve disorders
  6. Prostate surgery
  7. Ageing

Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

 The cause of erectile dysfunction is diagnosed through the use of various techniques  like Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), Corpus cavernosometry, Dynamic infusion cavernosometry (DICC), Penile biothesiometry, Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), Penile nerves function, Duplex ultrasound.


Treatment of erectile dysfunction

 Once, the reason behind the erectile dysfunction is identified, treatment procedure could be planned. This mainly includes the following

  1. Hormone replacement therapy (Testosterone injections)
  2. Medicines like sildenafil (Viagra)
  3. Use of penis pumps
  4. Alternative medicines like herbs and libido booster food/aphrodisiacs
  5. Prosthetic penile implants to maintain erection
  6. Psychological counselling
  7. Proper diet
  8. Regular exercise
6 years ago LifeStyle

Tips to deal with alarming air pollution in Delhi

A breath of poison is crippling our senses. Burning eyes, choking throat and buzzling silencers of the never-ending traffic; Cars are more precious than life and the enigma of economic progress is ultimately threatening the survival of the most developed creature of the globe. Alas! We all are sleeping over this evident daemon of air-pollution, giving it a deaf year and shrilling our responsibilities. Come on! Wake up to stop this haze before it stops you.


How to deal with high pollution level?


  1. Use masks N95/N99


Masks After use in delhi -Toxic Air

A surgical N 95 mask is approved by FDA to be used against air-pollution. This is known to protect against major pollutants and suspended particulate matter. Use the mask whenever you go out, and preferably indoor too. Even putting a handkerchief on nose is known to cut around 25% of air pollutants.


  1. Open doors and windows only when bright sunlight

Bright sunlight means that most of the harmful dust and pollutants have already settled down. You should open your doors and windows during that time only to ensure proper air exchange. Opening the windows during haze means flooding your indoor with pollutants and dust. So, better, avoid it.


  1. Avoid morning walks and exercises

Air pollutants and particles are at their highest concentration during morning and evening hours due to the phenomenon of thermal inversion and smog formation. Doing morning and evening walk and strenuous exercises means promoting the influx of pollutants in your system, thus deteriorating the health further. You should avoid them till the phase of haze passes away.


  1. Avoid being outdoor for longer durations

Being outdoor, means more exposure to the pollutants and their intake. Move out only for urgent and necessary reasons. Recreational outings should be postponed for the time being.


  1. Use air purifiers

HEPA based air purifiers are known to absorb pollutants and give good air quality. They should be used whenever you are indoor.


  1. Use of Inhalers and nebulisers


Inhalers, steam and nebulization expand the air passage thus relieving the suffocation common during high air pollution. Use them if you are feeling suffocated.

7.   Citrus fruits and Jaggery

Increase the quantity of citrus fruits, juice and jaggery in your diet. They improve your immunity and help to keep the respiratory passage clean and clear, thus helping to fight pollution.

7 years ago LifeStyle

A guide for the first time parents

Best guide for the first time parents

You have survived 9 months of pregnancy and you have made it through the excitement of labor and delivery! Are you now ready to head home and start a new refreshing life with your newborn? You reach home and you frantically realize that you have no idea what you are doing! The first few weeks with your newborn would be chaotic. The following tips will help you better to survive this situation.

It is better to prepare as much as you can ahead of time. While you are in the hospital itself, talk to the experts and find solutions to all your queries. Getting help for the first time may be very hectic and overwhelming. Many hospitals have feeding specialists and lactation consultants who can help you get started nursing and bottle-feeding.

The nurses are a great resource to show you how to hold, burp, change, and care for the baby.

Handling a newborn:

The fragility of newborns may be intimidating if you haven’t spent much time near them. Here are few basics to remember:

  • It is advisable to wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer before handling your baby. Newborn does not have a strong immune system and are very much susceptible to infection. Make sure that whoever touches your baby washes their hands before handling.
  • It is very important to support your baby’s neck and head. Cradle and support your baby’s head while carrying your baby upright or while laying your baby down.
  • Make sure you don’t shake your newborn either for playing or in frustration. Shaking vigorously may cause bleeding in the brain and even death.
  • If you want to wake up your infant do it not by shaking but by tickling your baby’s feet or blowing gently on the cheeks.
  • Limit any activity that could be too rough or bouncy. Make sure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller or car seat.
  • Do remember that your infant is not ready for a rough handle or play such as thrown in the air.

Bonding & soothing techniques:

Bonding is one of the most pleasurable aspects of infant care. Especially, during the first few days of infant care after the delivery is the time when the parents make the deep connection with their infants. Another factor is that attachments with your infants contribute to their emotional & physical growth.  It is important to make sure that both you and your partner can also take the opportunity to be “skin-to-skin,” holding your newborn against your own skin while feeding or cradling.

Certain types of bonding will enhance your infant’s emotional and physical growth. Babies, especially premature babies and those with medical problems will require more massaging and will respond immediately to infant massage. Babies are not as strong as adults and so ensure you give them a smooth massaging.

Babies usually love listening to music and other vocal sounds like talking, babbling, singing or cooking. Some babies are sensitive to touch, light and sound. This might cause them to startle and cry easily, sleep less than expected, or turn their faces when someone sings or talks to them.

Swaddling is another soothing technique that first-time parents should know. Proper swaddling keeps the baby’s arm close to the body for any movement. Swaddling does not only keep the baby’s warm but also gives them a sense of security and comfort.

Here is how to swaddle a baby:

  • Spread out the receiving blanket with one end folded over slightly.
  • Lay the baby face-up on the blanket with his or her head above the folded corner.
  • Wrap the left corner over the body. Tuck it beneath the back of the baby such that it goes under the right arm.
  • Bring the bottom corner up over the baby’s feet and pull it toward the head. Be sure not to wrap too tightly around the hips. Hips and knees should be slightly bent and turned out.
  • Wrap the right corner around the baby. Tuck it under the baby’s back on the left side, leaving only the neck and head exposed. To make sure your baby is not wrapped too tight, make sure you can slip a hand between the blanket and your baby’s chest, which will allow comfortable breathing. Make sure, however, that the blanket is not so loose that it could become undone.
  • Babies should not be swaddled after they’re 2 months old. At this age, some babies can roll over while swaddled, which increases their risk of

Diaper- dos & don’ts:

You will have to decide if you are going to use cloth or disposable diapers for your baby before you bring them home.


Before changing the diapers see to it that you have all the essentials within reach so that you need not leave your baby unattended on the changing table.


You will need the following:

  • a clean diaper
  • fasteners, if cloth pre-fold diapers are used
  • diaper ointment if the baby has a rash
  • a container of warm water
  • a clean washcloth, diaper wipes, or cotton balls

Change the diaper after every bowel movement or the diaper is wet. Use the water, cotton balls, and washcloth or the wipes to gently wipe your baby’s genital area clean. Wipe the bottom from front to back or there might be chances of urinary tract infection.


Diaper rash is a common concern. Generally, the rash is red and bumpy and causes irritation for the infants. Usually, it goes within few days with proper caring. Frequent warm baths and diaper creams or moisturizers can help heal the diaper rash soon. Most rashes develop because the baby’s skin is very sensitive and becomes irritated by the wet or poopy diaper.


To prevent or heal diaper rash, try these tips:

  • Change your baby’s diaper frequently, and as soon as possible after bowel movements.
  • After cleaning the area with mild soap and water or a wipe, apply a diaper rash or “barrier” cream. Creams with zinc oxide are preferred because they form a barrier against moisture.
  • If you use cloth diapers, wash them in dye- and fragrance-free detergents.
  • Let the baby go undiapered for part of the day. This gives the skin a chance to air out.

If the rash doesn’t heal within 3 days then it is advisable to consult a doctor as it may cause fungal infections.

Feeding & burping your baby:

Whether it is feeding by breast or bottle you will be astonished to see how often your infant needs to be fed on demand.  A newborn needs to be fed very 2 to 3 hours.  If you’re breastfeeding, give your baby the chance to nurse about 10-15 minutes at each breast. If you’re formula-feeding, your baby will most likely take about 2-3 ounces (60-90 milliliters) at each feeding.

You can also try these burping techniques if your baby feels gassy or fussy.

  • Hold your baby upright with his or her head on your shoulder.
  • Support your baby’s head while gently patting on his/her back.
  • Make your infant sit on the lap. Support your baby’s head and chest and carefully grip your baby’s chin. Gently pat on the baby’s back to make him/her comfortable.
  • You can even make the newborn lay on your lap. Support his/her head & back and gently pat or rub his/her back.

If your baby doesn’t burp then try it with other positions and make him/her burp before feeding again. Always burp your baby after feeding. Then make them sit in upright position to avoid spitting.

Caring for your baby’s umbilical cord:

Very shortly, after the baby is born the umbilical cord that connects you and your baby will be cut off. Neither you nor your baby will feel anything as there are no nerves in the cord.

The place where the cord joins your newborn’s tummy there will be a 2 to 3 cm long stump. You will have to ensure that the stump is kept clean and free from infection until it falls apart.

How long will the baby have an umbilical stump?

Your baby’s umbilical stump will fall off anytime between 5 to 15 days after birth. Once the cord is cut off, the baby care professional will put a plastic clamp or a tie the stump. This can be removed once the stump is dried and sealed. Let the stump come away naturally don’t ever try to pull it off. It changes its color from yellowish-green to brown to black after which it will drop by itself.

How long will it take for the belly button to heal?

After the stump falls off, there will be a wound which will take about a week’s time or 10 days to heal completely. You might also notice a little blood on your baby’s nappy which is quite normal and there is nothing to panic about it.

How do I know if the stump is infected?

It is common that your baby’s stump may have pus at the base. This doesn’t mean it is infected. You may suspect that the stump is infected if at all your baby has the following symptoms:

  • If the naval & surrounding area is swollen and red
  • Feverish
  • Stump is swollen, smelly or weepy
  • If they show a lack of interest in feeding or appears to be unwell.

This article would help you in a long run during the initial stages of parenting. Still, you have queries piled up on your mind? Never bother. We are here to help you out. You can contact our childcare specialists to get more caring tips & tricks to nurture your newborn.


7 years ago LifeStyle

Types of Contraceptives

Contraceptives and their types:

A woman can get pregnant if a man’s sperm reaches one of her eggs.

Contraception tries to stop this happening by keeping the egg and sperm apart, or by stopping egg production, or by stopping fertilization attaching to the lining of the womb. Contraception is almost free for most people in the UK.

With 15 methods to choose from, you can find one that suits you best.

Barrier methods such as condoms are a form of contraception that helps to protect against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. You should use condoms to protect both your sexual health and that of your partner, no matter what the other contraception you’re using to prevent pregnancy.

What methods of contraception are available?

There are different methods of contraception:

  • long-acting reversible contraception,
  • hormonal contraception
  • barriers methods,
  • fertility awareness
  • emergency contraception
  • permanent contraception


There are about 15 methods of contraception. Don’t worry if the first type you used isn’t quite right. You still many ample options.

  • ¨ Caps
  • ¨ Combined pills
  • ¨ Condoms- female
  • ¨ Condoms- male
  • ¨ Contraceptive implant
  • ¨ Contraceptive injection
  • ¨ Contraceptive patch
  • ¨ Diaphragms
  • ¨ Intrauterine devices
  • ¨ Intrauterine Systems
  • ¨ Natural family planning
  • ¨ Progestogen-only pills
  • ¨ Vaginal ring
  • ¨ Female sterilization
  • ¨ Male sterilization

Over years the number of contraceptive methods has greatly increased and the methods differ by how they work. There are

  • ¨ Barrier methods- condoms or cervical cap
  • ¨ Hormone methods- pills
  • ¨ Intrauterine devices & sterilisation

Most types of contraceptives work by:

  1. a) Prevent an egg from being released every month (hormones)
  2. b) Prevent sperms from reaching the egg (barrier and some IUD methods)
  3. c) Block the reproductive function – in men or women (sterilization)
  4. d) Prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus (hormones)

What is long-acting reversible contraception?

A long-lasting reversible contraception usually last for a long time, you need to remember it every day or month.

There are two types of LARC:

  • anintrauterine device that lasts five or more years
  • animplant under the skin that lasts either three or five years.

These types of contraception last longer so are more effective at preventing pregnancy because you don’t have to worry about forgetting pills or a condom breaking or coming off.

They are “fit and forget” contraception.


Hormonal methods:

Hormonal methods of birth control use hormones to regulate or stop ovulation and prevent pregnancy. Ovulation is the biological process in which the ovary releases an egg, making it available for fertilization. Hormones can be introduced into the body through various methods, including pills, injections, skin patches, transdermal gels, vaginal rings, intrauterine systems, and implantable rods. Depending on the types of hormones that are used, these methods can prevent ovulation; thicken cervical mucus, which helps block sperm from reaching the egg; or thin the lining of the uterus.

  • Injectable birth control:

   This method involves the injection of a progestin, given in the arm or buttocks once every 3 months.5 This method of birth control can cause a temporary loss of bone density, particularly in adolescents. However, this bone loss is generally regained after discontinuing use of DMPA. Most patients using injectable birth control should eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D or take vitamin supplements while using this medication.

  • POPs progestin-only pills:

   In this, a woman takes one pill each day probably at the same time. POPs may interfere with ovulation or with sperm function.  POPs thicken cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to swim into the uterus or to enter the fallopian tube. POPs alter the normal cyclical changes in the uterine lining and may result in unscheduled or breakthrough bleeding. These hormones do not appear to be associated with an increased risk of blood clots.

  • Contraceptive patch:

It is a thin plastic patch which sticks to the skin and releases hormones into the bloodstream.  The patch is placed on the lower abdomen, buttocks, outer arm, or upper body. A new patch is applied once a week for 3 weeks, and no patch is used on the fourth week to enable menstruation.

  • Vaginal ring. 

     The ring is thin, flexible, and approximately 2 inches in diameter. It delivers a combination of Ethinyl estradiol and a progestin. The ring is inserted into the vagina, where it continually releases hormones for 3 weeks. The woman removes it for the fourth week and reinserts a new ring 7 days later. Risks for this method of contraception are similar to those for the combined oral contraceptive pills. A vaginal ring may not be recommended for women with certain health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, or certain types of cancer.



ECPs are hormonal pills that are taken as a single dose or 2 doses, 12 hours apart. They are intended to use in the event of unprotected intercourse. If taken prior to ovulation, the pills can delay or inhibit ovulation for at least 5 days to allow the sperm to become inactive. They also cause thickening of cervical mucus and may interfere with sperm function. ECPs should be taken as soon as possible after semen exposure and should not be used as a regular contraceptive method. Pregnancy can occur if the pills are taken after ovulation or if the woman has unprotected sex in the same cycle.


In this article, we will mainly focus on the 3 main types: IUD, Vasectomy (male contraception) & tubectomy (female contraception)


Intrauterine devices:

An intra-uterine device (IUD) is a small T-shaped birth control device which is usually made of plastic and wrapped with copper or hormones. This device is inserted into the women’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. A plastic string is tied to the end of the IUD that hangs down the vagina through the cervix. One can check if the IUD is in place by feeling this string. This string is also used by the doctors to remove the IUD.


There are 2 types of IUDs that are usually preferred. They are:

  • ¨ Hormonal IUD
  • ¨ Copper IUD

The hormonal IUD releases a form of progestin hormone called as levonorgestrel. This type of IUD is found to be the most effective form of contraception than the copper IUDs. They can prevent pregnancy for 3 to 5 years.

The copper IUD is the most commonly used IUD. A copper wire is wound around the stem of the T-shaped device. This can prevent pregnancy for 10 years.

Insertion & working of IUDs:

The insertion of IUD into the uterus is done with help of a specialized doctor. An IUD can be inserted anytime into a women’s body provided she is not pregnant or have a pelvic infection. The insertion procedure takes only a few minutes and sometimes an anesthetic may be given in the area around the cervix.

The main function of the IUD is to prevent the fertilization of the egg by killing or damaging the sperms. The hormonal IUD prevents the fertilization of the egg by killing or damaging the sperms. It makes the mucus in the cervix thick and sticky so that the sperm can’t get through the uterus. It also weakens the uterine lining so that it becomes a poor place for the fertilized egg to implant and grow. The hormone in this IUD also reduces the menstrual cramping and bleeding.

Copper is toxic to the sperm. The copper enables the fallopian tube and uterus to produce a fluid that consists of copper ions, enzymes, white blood cells and prostaglandins that kill the sperms.

When can it be done?

Women can undergo an IUD if she fits into one of the below categories;

  • Do not have a pelvic infection at the time of insertion
  • If a woman is breastfeeding
  • If she is not prone to sexually transmitted diseases
  • If she do not want to use birth control pills
  • If she prefers a long-acting method of birth control

Advantages of IUDs:

The advantages of IUDs include:

  • ¨ It is cost-efficient
  • ¨ Less time-consuming method of contraception
  • ¨ Lowers risk of ectopic pregnancy
  • ¨ Reduces menstrual bleeding and cramps by 90%
  • ¨ It may prevent endometrial cancer
  • ¨ Do not cause weight gain

Disadvantages of IUDs:

  • The hormonal IUD may give rise to non-cancerous growth such as ovarian cysts.
  • It may cause hormonal side effects as that caused by oral contraception.
  • The side effects include breast tenderness, mood swings, headaches, and acne.



Menstrual problems: the hormonal IUD reduces menstrual cramps and bleeding whereas the copper IUD increases menstrual cramps and bleeding. Some may also experience spotting between the periods.

Perforation: one out of 1000 women will strike in perforation. It almost occurs during insertion. The IUD should be removed if the uterus perforate.

Expulsion: about 1 out of 100 women may experience expulsion. The IUD may be expelled out of the vagina.



Tubectomy, also called as tubal ligation is solely meant for women. It is a surgical procedure of permanently preventing pregnancies. It is commonly called as, “getting your tubes tied” is a surgical sterilization technique for women. This procedure involves closing the fallopian tubes thereby stopping the eggs from traveling from the ovary to the uterus. It also prevents the sperms from entering the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg.

This surgical procedure is 99.5 % effective as birth control and works immediately. In the tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are either cut or burned or blocked with clips. It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases including HIV & AIDS.


The tubectomy can be carried out in 2 ways; one is by open surgery that is cut opening the abdomen and the other is a minimally invasive surgery using laparoscopic techniques. In this, the tubes are cut and tied or a clipped at a particular point so as to stop the motion of egg from the ovary to the uterus. This prevents the chances of getting pregnant.

Can the procedure be reversed?

As mentioned earlier this is a permanent technique but it can be reversed by undergoing major surgery. However, the results of that surgery are not at all guaranteed and reversals are more difficult and expensive. Performing tubectomy by microsurgery or laparoscopic techniques have higher chances of reversal but the chances of getting pregnant after the reversal are very minimal.

Women can enjoy sex as earlier even after tubal ligation. There are no noticeable changes in their menstrual cycle and hormone levels. The ovaries release eggs as earlier they are not pushed down the fallopian tube but are reabsorbed by the body itself.

Who should not get this procedure?

It is a complex surgery and is performed under general anesthesia. Certain people who suffer from the following should not undergo this procedure.

  • Women who already have undergone surgeries in the abdomen
  • Women who have heart and lung diseases
  • Women who are allergic to general anesthesia.

Why is it more complex than a vasectomy?

     It is definitely considered to be more complex than a vasectomy because women undergoing this surgery are prone to have more complications because it is a major abdominal surgery. In a vasectomy, the semi vesicles are cut. These tubes are much closer to the skin and do not require a major surgery. Also, these tubes can be accessed easily and be done under local anesthesia.

Women undergone tubectomy may develop bladder infections and abnormal bleeding. Some may have post-tubal sterilization syndrome. This includes irregular and painful periods, mid-cycle bleeding or no periods at all. Women who get pregnant after the reversal surgery have more chances of ectopic pregnancy.



  • Immediately effective method of contraception
  • Permanent birth control
  • It is cost-effective in long run
  • Allows sexual spontaneity as well
  • Does not require regular attention


  • Does not protect against Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Requires major surgery
  • There are complications associated with the surgery
  • May not be reversible in some cases
  • It is more complicated than male sterilization

Tubal ligation is permanent sterilization and one has to be mentally prepared before making a decision. A woman undergoing tubectomy is susceptible to have more complications since it is considered to be a major abdominal surgery. So one has to think wisely and consult a doctor before making a decision.


A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that is considered as a permanent birth control method. It is solely meant for men and makes him permanently unable to get a woman pregnant. It prevents the release of sperms when the man ejaculates. This procedure involves cutting or blocking the two tubes called as vas deferens. This makes it impossible for the sperm to enter the semen.

How is vasectomy performed?

During a vasectomy:

  • The testicles and scrotum are shaved and cleaned with antiseptic.
  • You will be given an oral or IV medicine that makes you sleep. So that you will not feel the pain.

The surgical procedure takes about one hour and you will be provided a local anesthesia to numb your scrotum. Once the area is numbed, the doctor makes a small hole on one side of the scrotum and pulls the vas deferens on the other side. The hole made is very small in size so that it heals by itself without stitches. A small portion of the vas deferens is removed and is sealed with clamps. This prevents the sperms from entering into the semen which then ejaculated through the penis. The testicles produce sperms continuously but it is reabsorbed by the body. The eggs cannot be fertilized if there are no sperms in the semen. The doctor then performs the same thing on the other side.

No-scalpel vasectomy is a technique that uses small clamps with pointed ends instead of a scalpel. These clamps are used to cut open the skin of the scrotum. This method is more beneficial as it causes less bleeding, only a small hole is made that heals by itself without stitches, and has fewer complications. This method is as effective as traditional vasectomy.

Vasclip implant procedure: In this procedure, a device called vasclip is used to lock the vas deferens. In this technique, the vas deferens is not cut which reduces the pain and complications of the surgery. However, studies show that clipping is not that effective compared to other methods of sealing the vas deferens.

How effective is vasectomy?    

It is the safest and effective method of birth control. About 1 or 2 out of 1000 people might give rise to pregnancy after vasectomy.

Can a vasectomy be reversed?

Some vasectomies can be reversed but the surgery is very difficult and is more expensive. So, one should not undergo vasectomy unless he is sure not to have children in the future.

After the surgery;

  Most men will return to the doctor to have a sperm count check but these days there is also home test available. A vasectomy will not interfere with the sex factor, ability to have an erection, sensation of orgasm, etc. one may have mild itching in the testicles during sexual intercourse for few months after the surgery.

Possible risks of the surgery: The complications are very minimal. It includes

  • Bleeding under the skin which may cause swelling
  • Infection at the site of the incision. In rare cases, the infection may enter into the scrotum
  • Inflammation of the tubes that move the sperms from the testicles


  • It is a permanent method of birth control
  • It is safer, cheaper and also has fewer complications
  • It is only a one-time cost and is usually covered with medical insurance


  • It cannot prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
  • There are complications associated with the surgery
  • May not be reversible in some cases.

Vasectomy reversal is possible but is very difficult and expensive. The results of reversal are not guaranteed at all. So before one makes a decision, you will have to think wisely about the risks and complications of vasectomy as well as the benefits. You may also consult your doctor for a second opinion. So far there are no new methods with relatively lesser side effects and risks for male sterilization.

What are the natural methods of contraception?

Natural methods are typically very inexpensive compared to other methods of birth control unless a woman chooses to purchase ovulation test kits.

Advantages of natural birth control

  • A woman does not need to take medication or use hormonal manipulation.
  • No procedures or fittings by a physician are required.

Disadvantages of natural birth control include

  • It can be difficult to estimate or know precisely when a woman is fertile, allowing increased chances for unplanned conception.
  • Natural methods are not as effective as some forms of contraception.
  • Ovulation test kits are used by some couples using natural methods of contraception, and the cost of these kits is another potential disadvantage.
  • Being unable to have intercourse at certain times of the month is a disadvantage for some women.

Calendar rhythm method:

The calendar rhythm method to avoid pregnancy relies upon calculating a woman’s fertile period on the calendar. Based upon her 12 previous menstrual cycles, a woman subtracts l8 days from her shortest menstrual cycle to determine her first fertile day, and 11 days from her longest menstrual cycle to determine her last fertile day. She can then calculate the total number of days during which she may ovulate. If a woman’s menstrual cycles are quite irregular from month to month, there will be a greater number of days during which she might become pregnant.

The calendar method is only about 80% effective in preventing pregnancy and when used alone, it is considered outdated and ineffective.

Basal body temperature method:


The basal body temperature (BBT) method is based on the fact that a woman’s temperature drops 12 to 24 hours before an egg is released from her ovary and then increases again once the egg has been released. Unfortunately, this temperature difference is not very large. It is less than 1 degree F (about a half degree C) when the body is at rest.

The basal body temperature method requires that a woman takes her temperature every morning before she gets out of bed. A special thermometer that is more accurate and sensitive than a typical oral thermometer must be used, and the daily temperature variations carefully noted. This must be done every month. Online calculators are available to help a woman chart her basal body temperature.

To use the basal body temperature as a birth control method, a woman should refrain from having sexual intercourse from the time her temperature drops until at least 48 to72 hours after her temperature increases again.

Mucus inspection method:

The mucus inspection method depends on the presence or absence of a particular type of cervical mucus that a woman produces in response to estrogen. A woman will generate larger amounts of more watery mucus than usual (like raw egg white) just before the release of an egg from her ovary. This so-called egg-white cervical mucus (EWCM) stretches for up to an inch when pulled apart. A woman can learn to recognize differences in the quantity and quality of her cervical mucus by examining its appearance on her underwear, pads, and toilet tissue; or she may gently remove a sample of mucus from the vaginal opening using two fingers.

She may choose to have intercourse between the time of her last menstrual period and the time of change in the cervical mucus. During this period, it is recommended that she have sexual intercourse only every other day because the presence of seminal fluid makes it more difficult to determine the nature of her cervical mucus. If the woman does not wish to become pregnant, she should not have sexual intercourse at all for 3 to 4 days after she notices the change in her cervical mucus.

To in detail about other types of contraception or to know which type suits you the best, log on to Free Doctor Helpline or call us at +918010555444.

7 years ago LifeStyle , Medical

The Doctor of God: Dr. Yeshi Dhonden

Doctor miracle is still alive and treating 40 fortunate patients everyday in the secluded town of Mcleodganj in Himanchal Pradesh. Patients from all over the globe, with serious and fatal ailments try their luck with him, and many of them report miraculous healing.


Dr. Yeshi Dhonden was born in Lhoka, Tibet on 15th May 1927, to a prosperous farming family in the village of Yamdro in the district called Hlo-go, close to Lhasa, Tibet. His family comes from a very popular medical lineage. He is very genius that he got to finish his medical training at the age of 20 itself! In 1960, he took up the challenge to found Men Tsee Khang, the Tibetan medical college and was succeeded. He was the Principal and the Director of the college until 1970.


Yeshi Dhonden is a Buddhist monk and was Dalai Lama’s personal physician for about 20 years, from 1960 to 1980. His main goal was to prove to the world that these Tibetan formulae are safe and completely non-toxic and have successfully done it. He uses Tibetan herbal medicines and diet for curing cancer. Since 1970, he has a long list of patients seeking his medical care at his Dharmashala.


Over the past 50 years, he has successfully treated a number of patients with all kinds of ailments. He is considered as one of the foremost doctors in the world. He is specially trained in cancer treatments and has cured a large number of cancer patients all over the world, and even woman with breast cancer. He is also successful in treating diseases such as AIDS and cancer. He uses some of the oldest Tibetan herbal therapies to cure the ailments. He has even done wonders saving the lives of cancer patients who are in the last stage of cancer.


Unfortunately, Tibetan Medicine is still virtually unknown in the west, where the cancer epidemic is out of control. In 1994, upon meeting Dr. Helene Smith, renown cancer researcher, genealogist, & the director of California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, & Dr. Debashish from University of California, Dr. Dhonden agreed to collaborate on the first formal FDA approved the phase1/2 study in the world.


With dedication, Dr. yeshi dhonden has been a pioneer bringing world awareness of this very sophisticated, powerful and effective approach to healing to the west.

Visiting a Tibetan doctor!

If you ever wish to see Dr. yeshi or any other Tibetan doctor it is better to avoid spicy foods, coffee, black tea, and alcohol the previous night.  The first thing to do in the morning is to collect some sample of urine before you visit the doctor and go to the clinic as soon as possible. Be the first few to get the coupon when the distribution starts at 10 a.m.



The doctor will observe the patient, the quality of urine, and then read the 12 pulses that act as a messenger between the doctor and the patient. You can ask questions to discover as much as possible.

An important note to the patients out there!

Dr. yeshi does not have any access to emails so patients can’t forward questions to him to find solutions. The only way is to personally meet him at his clinic.

Successful treatment for AIDS, cancer and other diseases by Tibetan medicines:

Dr. yeshi is very successful in treating diseases such as AIDS and cancer. He uses some of the oldest Tibetan herbal therapies to cure the ailments. He has even done wonders saving the lives of cancer patients who are in the last stage of cancer. There have been good success rates with cancer disease with these medicines where the doctors in others parts of the world where not even able to identify the cause of cancer.

It is not part of the Tibetan custom to know the proportion of people who have been benefitted with their treatment. Henceforth, they do not maintain any records or journals of the patients who have received treatments and cured out of it.

Treatment for AIDS:

When the AIDS epidemic initially broke out, he knew nothing much about the new diseases. It was much later when a couple came to meet him he was able to provide the required diagnoses and treatment. He handed over the couple the medications for few months and promised them they would recover from it. After taking these medicines, the couple was actually benefitted out of it.

These medicines then came into existence in many parts of the world like the US, Australia, Germany, Italy, etc.

In about 25 to 30 days, some will start experiencing the results of the medicine. Most people who visit are having chronic diseases and hence should not expect that the recovery will be soon.

Brain tumors:

Here we will discuss a case study. Some years ago there were two Indian brothers, one in his 20’s and other was double his age. Both simultaneously came down with brain tumors. They were diagnosed, and the doctors told them, “You should both have operations to have these things surgically removed.” The older brother said, “Well, look, there’s no problem if I die before my younger brother; after all, I’m older. And so let him have the finer treatment.” They couldn’t afford two operations.

I said, “What I suggest is maybe why don’t you both hold off on the operation and just give Tibetan medicine a try.” These two brothers decided the older brother would sacrifice the hospital treatment and surgical procedure for the sake of his younger brother. He wanted to make sure he had the best of everything. The younger brother then went to the hospital and had his tumor surgically removed, and the older brother took Tibetan medicine. Well, for a while it looked like the younger brother was doing pretty well and the older brother was doing pretty well. But then, in the case of the younger brother, another tumor formed, he had to go for another surgical operation, and then he died. The older brother never had an operation, he only had Tibetan medicine, and he’s now into his 60s.

This case study is a good proof for us to believe the power of Tibetan medicine. Without any surgical procedures or invasion, they are able to bring about 100% recovery.

Multiple sclerosis:

There are a number of cases in which people suffering from illness have got 100% benefits by taking these Tibetan medicines. There was a case of a woman who was immobilized and really crippled. She continued these medicines for about 6 months and got complete recovery from the ailment.


For the range of illness that comes under the single roof of jaundice, hepatitis, gall bladder, liver failure, etc there is simply no count on the number of patients who have attended the treatment and got benefitted.


Those people suffering from leukemia and blood cancer have also got benefitted from Tibetan medicines. But, in these cases, the patients have to take medicines for really long time. All cases of leukemia are treatable with Tibetan medicines. There is particularly one type of leukemia which turns out to be difficult to be cured with Tibetan medicine. When there is a high count of white blood cells cancer spreads easily to the lymph nodes and becomes difficult to treat.


People suffering from stroke have also seen success from Tibetan medicine. What I found is that if such patients are in their 40s or younger and take Tibetan medicine, the medication is very, very effective. If they’re in their 50s or older, they still get some benefit but not as much. This is assuming once again that they have not had any operations or anything else that would complicate their situation. If it’s just been Tibetan medicine, then that’s the case. The older will be benefitted but not to the fullest!

Breast cancer:

There are 42 different types of specifically women’s ailments. There are nine types of tumors, and there are 16 types of ailments involving the channels of various sorts. It’s not like there’s just breast cancer – the breast cancer is always situated in a context involving the three tumors. There could be microorganisms involved. There are so many different factors in treating each person in a tailor-made fashion, one that’s perfectly appropriate for the individual. Tibetan medicines were able to cure these tumors and bring back the women to normal life.

What are the dietary changes that one has to take up?

During a Tibetan treatment, one has to avoid fried foods, spicy foods, boiled and fermented foods.  It is even better to avoid coffee, tobacco, alcohol during the cancer treatments.

Generally speaking, macrobiotic diets are good for people with cancer, with one exception: a number of macrobiotic diets entail quite a few sour foods. Keep low on sour foods. Avoid strong meats, such as chicken, pork, and beef. Such people can eat fish. That’s not so bad.

According to the Tibetan tradition, they believe that sickness is caused by karma. There are about 404 types of illness. They are said to be illnesses just within this life, and these also arise due to circumstances in this life. The illness arises in this life and it finishes in this life. So, in that case, you don’t speak of karma from lifetime to lifetime.

Then there’s another sub-class of illnesses that includes serious illnesses that do arise as a result of karma from lifetime to lifetime. Those are karmically-induced illnesses; but in some cases, if the patient engages in very, very strong purifying practices, creating a great deal of merit, in some cases, even those can be cured. The Tibetan customs and treatments are based on these beliefs.


It is quite interesting to know that many chronic serious ailments are cured by the hands of Tibetans without any kind of surgical procedures or without involving any kind of modern medical equipment.

To know more interesting facts and details about Dr. Yashi Dhonden and more about the Tibetan medicines and treatments visit our website Free Doctor Helpline or call us at +918010555444.

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